Just wondering if you guys can make yourselves cry, and if so, what are some ways in which you do it. As for myself, like I think I've shared before, I can make myself cry and I think it's fun. Though I can make myself cry for real with emotions, I mostly just make myself cry by not blinking and rubbing my eyes just a bit to get tears. I've experimented with other methods like using vicks, onions, etc. as well, but the easiest for me is just to rub my eyes a little and stare. Yawning makes my eyes water, but I can't really force myself to yawn most of the time, and the amount of tears is usually not high enough to run down my face.
My girlfriend is very similar to me too, though vicks is her preferred method for just tears, though she can get herself to cry emotionally pretty easily too, and she's better at that than I am. When we have our little fake cry contests, it's usually who can emotionally cry first and have a tear down both cheeks, and she wins most of the time though sometimes I win because even though she cries in terms of tearing up faster, I think my eyes produce a bit more tears that drop down a little bit more easily.
Anyway, can you make yourself cry? How do you do it if the answer is yes?