I met someone once who said a good sneeze is almost orgasmic. I got goosebumps because that's how I always felt. Sometimes, sneezing can almost be like a mini-cry, at least I've seen sneezes like that.
Like, someone pulls out a bunch of tissues from a box(or a hanky) and sneezes into them. Then, they might tremble a bit, then hold the tissues over their face a moment, while composing themselves. The vulnerability in that gives me tingles down my spine. I feel honored to have witnessed that. And I love the "bless you," as well. Especially when it's a particularly powerful sneeze, and someone says, "Oh! Bless you! Oh my goodness!" because it's such a strong sneeze, lol. There's compassion from witnessing the vulnerability. I love when the person who sneezes laughs a little, with watering eyes. Very sweet lol.
Actually when I sneeze, some sobs come out. It's not like actual crying for any reason, but it's almost like a natural reaction to a powerful sneeze. So it's a natural release. It does create endorphins in me, lol.