1. Teargazer and I, we were playing Minecraft on a server, and were somewhere I've never been before (the nether). He was digging down, and I had to wait till he came back.
I was so afraid, waiting there alone, with creepy noises, afraid he might fall into lava or be attacked by dangerous creatures and die, while I would be unable to help him.
My eyes filled with tears, and I hugged myself, and talked to him sounding really weepy. This took about 10 minutes, until he came back unscathed.
A little while later, I was still afraid, and Teargazer offered me a virtual hug, something we do often. so I hugged myself, imagining that he would be hugging me, and started to whimper and sniffle. But then I started to laugh, because of the way that sound mixed with the background noises of the game, and we continued playing.
2. I had calmed down again, but after a while, as I tried a new digging technique, I felt slow and that I was delaying him.
I started to cry; my voice turned weepy and somewhat high-pitched, I started sobbing audibly (lasting about 12 secs), and I was sniffling.
We continued playing, but I was stressed out, and sobbed shortly and audibly, two times, and in between my voice became really scared and weepy and high pitched, and I was sniffling.
After working for a while, I suddenly burst out "I can't do it", really high pitched, sniffled, and sobbed short but rather loud. After explaining my difficulties I sobbed again, longer (15 secs), but not so loud as before.