Hey there, how's it going? got a message from mod to introduce myself, so here goes.
I'm a male in my early 30s, and I don't actually have a fetish for crying, so not quite sure this forum is the place for me as it's advertised as a sexual fetish site, but I browsed through some posts and there's nothing explicit (good for me, I guess), but I do admire the visual aesthetics of tears, and decided to join because of the tiktok videos shared on this site. I admire tears the way I'd admire a beautiful scenery or a painting, not in any sexual way, and women I might find attractive with tears I'd also find attractive without tears, so tears don't really determine the attractiveness of a person for me. So, if that makes me uneligible for this site, I don't mind being removed, joined out of curiosity more than anything else.