So I haven't been around much because I'm in the middle of a Whirlwind Romance! Yay! I'm an introvert, and I'm not super-gorgeous, and I'm very grounded, so this isn't the sort of thing I ever expected to happen to me. But I'm crazy happy with my new guy, and we're nuts about each other, and I've never gotten this close to someone this fast. I'm not sure yet if I'm going to tell him about the fetish, but I know he really values honesty, and what's more, I really think he'd be okay with it if I present it the right way. He is that awesome.
Not really expecting responses here, just wanted to tell someone. And I haven't really told anyone in my real life in this much detail because I really value privacy at the start of a relationship. If I gush too much right away and things go downhill really quickly, I don't want the embarrassment of explaining that to everyone.