Caircair ?: I tried many combinations of words and word order containing crying but it's pretty useless. There are emotive scenes but not specific ones..Boreanaz doesn't even have the vibe of a good crier and this is why i wanted to see wether he ever cried on Bones or not. It seems the process of finding out will take a bit longer then i expected..It's not a bad thing though
Handkerchief : Yeah i looked up wedding videos containing crying but usually it's the woman who tears up most and the setting is many times distracting. I mean the camera shifts on the groom, then on the bride, then on their relatives and friends..It lacks ''momentum''. I like to say a ''momentum'' is when the crier is in a very intense process that takes a timing in intself.... ''He'' struggles, the emotion builds on ..then he suddenly pops..This is mostly seen on film when there's a story behind a character. This is also artistically made at times for a more dramatic effect which i enjoy.
Real life criers are good to be seen on interviews or in static situations, on close up but they sometimes fail to deliver the kind of crying that i find appealing
Last edited by psychic_girl (February 27, 2013 9:10 pm)