Posted by TorNorth July 28, 2011 12:03 am | #1 |
Rules for the Crying Discussion forum:
As mentioned in the Introduction thread, this is an alternative to BDSM. There must be no discussion regarding experiences in those fields, as well as any inappropriate discription of sexual arousal brought on by crying.
Rules for for Crying Videos and Crying Images boards:
When posting an image or a video link, please consider the feelings of the subject involved. They may not be aware that a crying fetish exists and may not take kindly to being used in this way. Generally this extends to individuals in extreme distress and/or extreme pain. It would be inappropriate, for example, to post a link to a news item containing crying parents because their child has been killed in an accident or abducted.
There must also be no photos or videos of young children crying, for obvious reasons.
Obviously, absolutely NO pornography or nudity can be posted.
Note about posting your own photos and photos of others you know:
Though photos of yourself crying is perfectly allowed (and ah, dare I say,,,DESIRED), please take care and post them at your own risk. If say, your boss happens to be a member here and gets all weirded out, we will not be held responsible. ;)
By uploading on this board photos of others you know, it is understood that you have done it with their permission and hold full responsibility for it.
All individuals in these photos must be 18+ years of age. Once again this is your own responsibility.
Rules for the Crying Stories board:
Complying with the rules against BDSM and pornography related things - no stories, poems or role playing prose must contain scenes or description of torture, extreme humiliation or lewd sexual overtones. Mild sexuality will be allowed, such as kissing or cuddling etc. Please keep them moderately clean.
By joining and posting on this board you have agreed to the forum rules.
Last edited by TorNorth (May 22, 2012 3:04 pm)