Hey folks, I thought I should de-lurk and introduce myself. I'm thedreamer...I've talked to woundedpuppy several times on another forum, and we bonded over our interest in watching guys cry.
I did register at the other crying forum, but I never actually did post anything.
I do have several other fetishes, my main other fetish is sneezing. My crying fetish differs from my sneezing fetish in that I often enjoy seeing/hearing sneezes from both genders, but when it comes to crying my interest is strictly in males (I'm a female who identifies as heterosexual, in case anyone is curious). I've had both fetishes for as long as I can remember. I also have several secondary fetishes - mainly nose blowing, hankies or tissues. I love it when guys blow their nose, especially after/during crying (loudish blows are the best, imo), and guys using handkerchiefs or tissues. Guys offering hankies or tissues to someone else who is crying, or a girl offering a hankie or tissues to a weeping guy also makes me melt.
I guess one other way in which my interest in crying differs from my sneezing fetish, is that there's more to it. Sneezing gets me hot, for whatever reason, but crying? Crying tugs at my heart strings. It can be a turn on for me as well, but it's also beautiful...it's a sign of sensitivity, compassion, a release of emotion. When someone has cried in front of me, I feel like I've been given a precious gift and a great honor...the opportunity to see a piece of that person's soul, something most human interactions are sorely lacking, if you ask me.
I look forward to posting more and getting to know all of you.