Dacryphilia is, of course, one of my main fetishes. But there is one other fetish that makes me tick just as much if not more, and that is aquaphilia. I love seeing handsome guys just floating calmly underwater, it really gets me going. It only works if it's completely under. I just want to hug, kiss, and interact with a guy underwater so badly. I've had this ever since I was like 2 years old, 3 years before I discovered I had dacryphilia. I would be watching cartoons and would get this weird feeling when one of the characters were underwater, especially if they started talking. I had no idea why and it confused me so much. I thought meh, I'll grow out of it. Well that definitely didn't happen, in fact, it got worse! I would fantasize about it in class as a second grader and do some very very regrettable things that I don't want to talk about. But ANYWAY, it feels as if I didn't even have a basis for it or "develop" this fetish. It's like I was born with it, I was so young. Same exact thing for dacryphilia, it popped out of nowhere. Have you guys ever heard of this fetish? How do you view it?