Batshit crazy, but really pretty girl. Lots of sobbing, bulging lip and
running tears. She gives a few close-ups of her eyes.
TorNorth wrote:
Batshit crazy, but really pretty girl. Lots of sobbing, bulging lip and
running tears. She gives a few close-ups of her eyes.
I love the way this girl cries, very expressive, openly sobbing, not covering her mouth or eyes, unchecked tears, several tear streaks, almost perfect. More tears would be better.
I'd love to see some men reaction videos too
SparklingEyes wrote:
A new one from Shayla. Not as much tears as in the other ones, but there's still some good crying. It's a pity she actually edits out some of her crying. She does talk about crying in this one, for those interested.
She was getting teased about it in the comments apparently.
Yes she did mention it. I was doing my own search of her channel and at the end of one video - which she didn't cry in - she said she had been teased for crying in her comments page
Speaking of Shayla and Weeping Angels...
This isn't technically a reaction video but it uses the same clip from Angels in Manhattan. I post it because although it has no crying in it, it is genuinely funny. I have commented on this video but I was just complementing her Transformers T-shirt
SparklingEyes wrote:
Some new ones from two of my favorite criers on YouTube.
Hazel Faith:
I love how Hazel has a radiant smile while her face is tear streaked.
SparklingEyes wrote:
Here are a couple of new videos. One from Shayla as usual and the other from Valerie Thao.
(Shayla, just a single tear this time)
(Valerie Thao)
The second one is a real tear fest. Tears just keep streaming down her face throughout the video, and in the last bit starting at around 9 min, which is the most tearful bit, she mentions that she's crying because she's happy. In terms of just sheer quantity of tears shed, she'd probably beat both Shayla and Hazel Faith. If only she'd upload more videos. And though I've shared her two other crying videos here before, I'll post the links again here because this thread has grown big.
(so many unchecked tears for five minutes straight)
(tear filled eyes and lots of running tears throughout the video)
Damn, this is amazing ! You're god damn right, what a tears fest o.0 :o 0.o
SparklingEyes wrote:
One of her most tearful ones yet. I love how for a moment both her eyes are full of tears and the tears fall out simultaneously from both eyes. Really wish she wasn't sobbing as much. Still a fantastic video.
I like her several tear streaks, as well as her bulged lips.