As someone who thinks tears are really beautiful, I don't really have a sexual attraction to tears. When I see a girl cry, whether in person or on TV or Youtube, I get this feeling of like satisfaction, the kind you get watching some of those so called "satisfying" videos online. Seeing tears come out of a girl's eyes give me the same kind of feeling with almost no sexual feelings unless the girl is very attractive. Sure, this feeling is not alone, if someone is sad or if I'm watching a sad scene, I feel sympathy and sadness too, but that's not what I mean, I'd feel that even without my liking for tears. Can anyone else relate to this? Or do you have a different reason for liking tears?
It depends, in general, for me, tears are extremely intimate, only to be shared with someone you are close to. That said, when I see a girl crying in front of me, I feel like she is sharing her most intimate with me. It's a plus if I am allowed to wipe her tears, I see that as her letting me inside her, giving me her most precious possession.
Now, if the girl is attractive, tears enhance her beauty, when my wife cries I see her already beautiful face, this time adorned with her most beautiful liquid she can share with me, and when I wipe her tears, I feel like I am protecting her, soothing her, taking care of her being. That is why I sometimes will kiss her tears, It's like tasting her soul, her most intimate part.
when seeing someone cry I feel the overwhelming need to comfort/ protect them and make everything better. But it does give me like butterflies (not sure if that's a good way to describe it). like almost she is being vulnerable and as Amans Lacrimae said "sharing her/his most intimate with me".
Princess_Lucky1731 wrote:
when seeing someone cry I feel the overwhelming need to comfort/ protect them and make everything better. But it does give me like butterflies (not sure if that's a good way to describe it). like almost she is being vulnerable and as Amans Lacrimae said "sharing her/his most intimate with me".
This. The desire to hug and comfort, not the desire for sex. And I get a sort of 'butterflies' feeling too.
Sometimes it's anticipation, sometimes it's arousal, sometimes it's butterflies or a combination of all three.
I remember in 8th grade math class once, the girl in front of me, who was my friend, was stressed by her class load and began tearing up and sniffling. I felt my face flush and get hot and hoped no one noticed.
I will note that the effect is stronger if someone vocalizes that they're about to cry or something to that effect. Like my one friend who likes to cry sitting in my lap, she often warns me when she's emotionally shaky, "be careful. If you hug me, I'll cry."
How I feel depends on a lot of factiors: Do I know the person? What are the circumstances around their crying? Are they sad, angry, happy? Is there a possible medical reason for the crying - e.g panic attack?
If I know the person, I'm more concerned with their emotional well being than I am at deriving pleasure from their crying. If I know them well, I'm entirely focused on helping them feel better. About the only time I enjoy seeing someone cry (and my preference is for males crying) is if I'm watching TV, a movie, or (rarely) a stage play. Watching someone "act" crying onstage can be distracting as I'm trying to figure out how they manage to set themselves up to cry on cue.
Whenever someone cries in front of me, I immediately feel like we've become closer. It's like a friendship milestone. Once we've cried together I trust you more.
I feel an extreme desire to comfort/help/hold the person, and I feel pangs of empathy in my chest. As truffle said, I feel the bond between us strengthen. It's physically painful to see my husband cry and not hold him, and the few times he's cried over the phone have been almost unbearable. Once, he was out of town when something bad happened, and he sobbed to me over the phone. He wasn't coming back until the next day, and I barely slept at all - I got up at 3 AM to clean and make cookies. It was such a relief when he got home and we could hold each other.
I definitely feel aroused, but it's not an immediate desire for sex - I get all the physical signs of arousal right away, but my mind isn't there, even with my husband. When I hold him as he cries, I feel warmth, love, a desire to protect him, a strong connection between us. But I don't think about sex; if we do have sex afterward (which does happen frequently), it's usually after the crying has stopped and things have been resolved, and he usually initiates.
With someone who isn't my sexual/romantic partner, I still react physically with arousal, but sex doesn't occur to me. Crying and arousal are so closely linked in my mind that even seeing a random woman cry will make me physically react (I'm not sexually attracted to women).
It depends on who the person is. Normally, for people who are kind of heart, I would feel a desire to hold and comfort them. But there are others who may be awful to me or to others, I wouldn't feel a thing if I saw them upset. Granted there have been a few exceptions, but for the most part, I'm more drawn to the tears of the kindhearted.
It hurts like the pain of 1000 knives, but I can't stop going back. I like seeing people/characters I love crying, it activates my maternal instincts to comfort and protect. E.g. seeing Maxi cry on Roary the Racing Car hurts really badly, yet I feel the urge to put my arms around him and tell him "it's OK".