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May 19, 2024 3:28 pm  #5911

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

I smile, understanding where she comes from: “I see where you come from, would you like to make an experiment to see how probable it is you’re being judged or how others see when your sexy muscles jiggle in my hands? Allow me to show you during the flight, each time a girl or the flight attendant (who is wearing a skirt that exposes a third of her thighs) passes by, I’ll “accidentally” bump my arm or hand, more than probably making their thigh muscles jiggle as it’s not common to find resistance, be attentive how they react, and let me know if any feels embarrassed or shameful. I can almost bet that natural reaction goes unaware by most women. I have to admit some men love it but don’t judge, they just admire.”

I drop my hand once more on her sexy inner thigh.


May 20, 2024 4:01 am  #5912

Re: Movie night

Kate's POV

Me and Rachel decided to go to a coffee shop in the city for lunch and so got onto a Chiltern train down to Marylebone  Station and rode to the end of the line.

Rachel still had her boots on which made me very happy. In quiet spots I took the opportunity to fondle her boot toe and run my fingers up and down the bottom of the zip.

When we reached the coffee shop we had just sat down when a younger girl approached us. I confirmed my name and her eyes welled with tears

'I'm Julie' she introduced. 'I'm very pleased to meet you. I've got your part in the West End production of The Spider In The Web'

It was my turn to have tears fill my eyes. I was so proud of Evie. I gave Julie a couple of bits of advice and told her she would do fine and not to worry. Tears ran down her cheeks and she thanked me profusely.

I wiped my tears and checked my phone. Yes Evie had told us in a WhatsApp message that her play would be ascending to the big leagues. It was going to be performed at the National Theatre.

Tears streamed down my face. I was so happy for her. After wiping my second round of tears Rachel and I started to eat lunch

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

May 20, 2024 4:11 am  #5913

Re: Movie night

Emily's POV

I was having the day off from the coffee shop when during the day, Isabel sent me a text saying that Tristan had given Evadne her number. She had invited her for a coffee and my best friend was wondering if she should accept.

Tears ran down my cheeks and I typed out an answer. I told Isabel that it was up to her but I recommended she didn't as she shouldn't cheat on Ally.

'I know you think it's just a coffee' I told her in the text, wiping my tears as they continued to fall down my face. 'But that's how it starts. Trust me I know'

I finished the message and pressed send wiping a final tear

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

May 20, 2024 7:59 pm  #5914

Re: Movie night

I get up before Jarrod and tend to Jackson, hut as soon as I see him starting to wake I slowly and sensually climb back into bed. He immediately thanks me for my thigh jiggle saying how it reminded him of the incident with the kid the day before and how Enid and my legs jiggled. He then asked if I wanted to make love one last time on the cruise to try and conceive another child.

"I'd love to, but it might have to be a quicke seeing as how we have to get to breakfast with the others before we depart the cruise in just a little bit." I reply quickly.

     Thread Starter

May 20, 2024 8:05 pm  #5915

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

After William hears me out he asks if I'd like him to show me other people's reactions to having their muscles jiggle in front of others. Explaining that he doesn't think they'll have much reaction at all as they won't even think that others will notice. He then explains his plans saying he'd like to "accidentally" bump into any girl or flight attendant who walks by for the rest of the flight and show me how they react (if at all).

"Ok, if you want." I answer a bit sceptical hoping no one will get angry at him.

     Thread Starter

May 20, 2024 8:17 pm  #5916

Re: Movie night

Isabel's pov:

I really wished I could talk to Emily in person, hut since it was her day off and I didn't want to wait until after work I decided to text her. I told her how Tristan had given Evadne my number and she texted me asking me to coffee. I wasn't sure if I should accept it not, to me it just seemed like a friendly gesture.

I waited nervously a few min for Emily's response.

Emily told me it was completely up to me, but that although it just seemed like a coffee things aren't always what they seem. She said she was only warning me out of personal experience.

After thinking for a moment I sent a response.

"I think "just a coffee" wouldn't hurt. I mean this way I can find out what her true intentions are. And if anything I'll ask her to have the coffee with me in the shop sometime just in case you are right." I text back hoping to appease Emily. I mean she is my best friend and her opinion should matter (at least somewhat).

     Thread Starter

May 21, 2024 3:59 am  #5917

Re: Movie night

Emily's POV

My eyes welled with tears, and I texted her a reply

'I'm sorry, you are right. It is just a coffee. I should stop being overprotective, it's just you're my closest friend and I love you'

I stopped writing, tears running down my cheeks. I was coming on a bit strong. I amended my text to the following.

'I'm sorry, you are right. I'm just being overprotective. You go have your coffee with Evadne. Have a good time'

I wiped my tears and pressed send

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

May 21, 2024 4:10 am  #5918

Re: Movie night

Liz's POV

At my next monthly visit to my landlord to pay the rent, he said to me

'Why are you still here? With the profits that Juice Bar of yours is making, you and your partner could get a proper house together'

'I have my reasons' I replied quietly, a single tear streaming down the left side of my face. My landlord accepted my rent money without a word and I left.

My reasons were simply this. If the worst happened and like my parents I died of cancer, I didn’t want to have any disposable assets. I still remember having to do this with Mum and Dad and it was awful. I would hate Sadie to have to go through that, I loved her too much.

So I'd chosen to rent a flat, not have too many clothes or possessions. In my will, I had arranged for my car to be inherited by the garage I bought it from and likewise the Juice Bar would go back to Jan the original owner, with sufficient capital to still keep going.

Luckily however I was okay. I had regular checkups with my family doctor and everything was fine.

Last edited by reptongeek (May 21, 2024 11:58 am)

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

May 21, 2024 3:21 pm  #5919

Re: Movie night

I smile as I hear Camilla suggest a quickie, I propose: "Choose, either you on top or side by side can bring me to the edge rather quickly, you know I can't resist the feeling of your sexy thigh muscles jiggling in my hands."


May 21, 2024 3:47 pm  #5920

Re: Movie night

William's POV:

As Anna, not too convinced, agrees, I become attentive to girls who manage to pass by us. The first is a very fit girl in short shorts who goes to the restroom, I "accidentally" place my elbow just outside of the area of the seat, invading a bit of the hallway. As the young girl crosses where I am sitting, she inadvertently bumps her outer thigh against my elbow, her relaxed muscles jiggle with the impact. She just looks down and continues her way as if nothing happened.

I look at Anna: "See? she didn't care the least her thigh jiggled against my arm."

The second is a flight attendant, as she comes to pick the trash of the first round of soft drinks, I "inadvertently" pat her outer thigh with the back of my hand, feeling her soft, relaxed thigh jiggle. She looks and says with a smile: "Sorry sir." As she continues her job, I look at Anna: "Two out of two, did you see her reaction?"


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