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June 7, 2024 1:45 pm  #6021

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Feeling Anna’s outer thigh jiggle, then she mentions she’s allowing her thighs to jiggle as she walks (not sure if she flushed because her outer thigh jiggle as I bumped it or because she admitted she’s allowing her sexy muscles to jiggle from now on).

I give her a mischievous smile as I lower my eyes to her sexy thighs as we continues walking (forgetting about Enid for a moment, she’s taken care of anyways).


June 7, 2024 6:23 pm  #6022

Re: Movie night

Emily's POV

I had heard rumours that Tristan was thinking of opening another outlet in the next state. This was a little worrying as this almost certainly meant that me and Isabel might be split up

'I would hate that' I told my best friend, my voice cracking with a sob as tears streamed down my face. 'I love working with you so much'

Tears streamed down Isabel's face too. She took me by the hand

'So would I' she sobbed.

As the days went on, it became more and more obvious that Tristan was going ahead, despite what Enid might think.

Me and Isabel went to see her and tears ran down our cheeks as we begged her to make Tristan reconsider.

'I've already tried' Enid told us. 'But that's what he wants and that's how it has to be'

Me and Isabel wiped our tears and went down to the changing rooms to get ready for home. As it was getting into the cooler weather this meant I could wear my boots again.

'I've missed that sound' Isabel told me as I unzipped my boots so I could put them on.

'Me too' I replied. A stray tear ran down my left cheek as I zipped up my boots. As I was about to leave Isabel called me back and wiped it for me.

As I walked home, I remembered there was another sound I had missed too. I endeavoured to correct that as soon as I got home

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

June 7, 2024 9:40 pm  #6023

Re: Movie night

Jarrod answers that he's never too tired to have another round. Then looks up from my thighs directly into my eyes before revealing, to my surprise,  how to give him an instant tent any time I'm interested in taking him to bed. I just have to drop my hand on top of his, whenever it is on my thigh, with just enough force to make my thigh jiggle under his hand.

With Jarrod's emission I noticed him smiling and blushing at the same time.

"I appreciate your admission. It really shows the level of trust and intimacy we have formed with each other." I say trying to elevate his embarrassment as much as possible.

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June 7, 2024 9:55 pm  #6024

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

Realizing what I had (kind of) agreed to made me a bit nervous/embarrassed so I began to blush as I thought of my thighs actually jiggling unrestrained in public (even if only when William was present).

With that I noticed William giving me a mischievous smile as I saw his eyes lower to my thighs as we continued to walk. I'm not sure, but in the back of my mind I was thinking he was looking for me to start letting my thighs jiggle right now as we walked.

I decided (almost against my own will) to try to focus myself on something other than my thigh jiggle so I could give William what he's been desiring. I took a deep breath before continuing on our walk. I then try to distract myself by telling William "I sure hope Enid is ok. I hope it's nothing. too serious and the hospital can fix her right up."

     Thread Starter

June 7, 2024 10:44 pm  #6025

Re: Movie night

Hearing her words, I feel encouraged and give Camilla’s quads a couple of squeezes, inviting her with my eyes to drop her hand on top of my hand…


June 7, 2024 10:55 pm  #6026

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Anna changes the subject to Enid, which I don’t follow: “I’m sure she’ll be fine, if she was worse she wouldn’t be even conscious or with her vital signs intact. Now, where were we? Were you giving me a natural, sexy walk?” I give her a reassuring smile.


June 8, 2024 4:26 pm  #6027

Re: Movie night

I guess my words encouraged Jarrod as I feel him squeeze my quads a couple times as he gives me a look asking me to drop my hand on his. Without hesitation (especially knowing we're completely alone... Except for Jackson) I drop my hand rather hard on top of his allowing my thigh to jiggle completely unrestrained under his hand.

     Thread Starter

June 8, 2024 4:32 pm  #6028

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

William quickly answers giving a quick short answer saying he's sure Enid would be fine; if not she wouldn't be conscious or have her vital signs intact. He then changes the subject back asking if I was giving him a natural walk?

"Yes that was my natural walk/jiggle.just as you asked for." I answer short still kind of embarrassed I did it.

     Thread Starter

June 9, 2024 4:11 am  #6029

Re: Movie night

Enid's POV

Tristan seemed to think I was being overly negative but I was really worried.  As our day in court approached worried became terrified.

When I was called, I testified that our late manager did have permission to stay in the flat above the shop and at times we were a little short staffed but managed to get through it. I was asked about the cruise and I told the court quite truthfully, that I wished it had been closer so I could have returned to the shop if needed.

Emily had to testify that she had to work 10 days in a row and how tired she had been. She also confirmed that Kim had permission to use the flat.

Watching Leanne testify was horrible. From my side, I didn’t know half the things her late wife had done for us to keep the shop open. Leanne managed not to cry during her evidence despite the mounting tears in her eyes

But if watching Leanne in the witness box was hard, Tristan was even worse. He got absolutely shredded. He was grilled about the lack of staff, the constant reminders for more staff, giving Kim more and more money to get her to stay and the fact that he didn't spend much time in his own shop. The game of Chicken Fight during the cruise was brought up as well.

But most damaging of all Tristan had to  admit that he never actually told Kim that she could stay in the flat, the permission had come from me and not him, an important distinction that may have been the reason for Kim not actually using it. After he left the box he returned to his seat angry and stressed

Things did however get better when Jen testified. Her cupcake shop had suffered some minor damage but she had kept hers open. The shopkeeper next to hers had closed for a couple of weeks to repair the damage.

However a structural engineer testified that he could have reopened within two days as the shop was still structurally sound

The case concluded the Jury retired to consider its verdict. It took them three days to ultimately decide. Three very long days but in the end they did award the shopkeeper damages. Not the millions he was asking for but a still substantial $430,000

Last edited by reptongeek (June 9, 2024 4:45 am)

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

June 10, 2024 3:35 am  #6030

Re: Movie night

As soon as Camilla’s hand lands rather hard, making her sexy muscles jiggle completely relaxed in my hand (which is under hers), immediately causes a very strong tent (quite noticeable as we are still undressed). I smile and, taking her free hand, bring it to my tent: “Did I lie or told you the truth? Now, it’s your turn to choose position, I’m here to please you.”


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