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June 23, 2024 4:05 pm  #6111

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

I take Anna’s placing her hand on top of mine as a yes to my question. I feel an impending hotness starting to slowly rush to my tent. I, wanting to give Anna the strongest release (hopefully enough to earn her tears of joy), slide my hands from her outer thighs to her posterior thighs, feeling her hamstrings jiggle freely against my hands as she slams, I lose the touch of her hands, when she raises and before she slams again, I slide my hands to her inner thighs, feeling them jiggle extremely hard as she lands.

I ask her: “My sexy wife, place your hands on top of mine again, I want to feel them. As soon as she places her hands on top of mine, I slide them down and turn them so Anna’s hands are in contact with my inner thighs, which also jiggle, as if trying to match hers.


June 24, 2024 6:09 am  #6112

Re: Movie night

Emma's POV

After our latest film both me and Natalie wiped our tears that had run down our cheeks and passionately kissed.

It was now 2 am. We were both incredibly  tired but neither of us wanted to move from our comfortable couch.

'Let's stay outside if you want' my wife suggested, wiping a couple of stray tears that streamed down my face.

I kissed her passionately again.

'Why not' I replied softly, my eyes still full of tears. We both took our boots off and laid on the couch together  intertwining our bodies

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

June 24, 2024 6:16 am  #6113

Re: Movie night

Emily's partners POV

'It's so nice we get to do this again' I told Emily taking her hand in mine and playing with our fingers

She raised one of her booted legs and pushed up my jeans so she could run her boots up against mine.

The sensation was so lovely tears began streaming down my face.

We soon stopped however as we were in a Diner on our way to Audrey's. We gave our order in and both looked around.

We were both thinking the same thing, which window would we smash if we could.

We put those thoughts to the back of our heads and ate our lunch

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

June 24, 2024 5:29 pm  #6114

Re: Movie night

Liz's POV

Me and Sadie gave the girls a long hug each at the airport. It had been the best 10 days we had ever spent.

We were all devastated it was over, tears running down our cheeks.

None of us could stop crying for quite a while. We'd keep wiping our tears away but still they kept coming.

We separated and me and Sadie went to our gate. We chose a couple of chairs and finally our tears stopped.

It was back to work in two days time. No rest for the wicked as they say

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

June 24, 2024 8:40 pm  #6115

Re: Movie night

No sooner than my words had been spoken I felt Jarrod devoutly dressing g me first my underwear than my shorts. I slide off of his lap and back into my seat while he begins to dress.

"I think I'll have to take care of that (again) once we reach home." I say teasingly noticing Jarrod's full tent. With that he smiles at me, finishes getting dressed and heads out on the road again.

The last thing I remember is Jarrod placing his right hand on my left thigh before I closed my eyes. I was soon (or so it seemed) awakened by Jackson's cries. Upon looking around I realized we were already home (must have dozed off for a good hr).

"Don't worry, princess. I'll get him." Jarrod said as he patted my thigh before shutting off the engine.

     Thread Starter

June 24, 2024 8:51 pm  #6116

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

I immediately feel (as soon as I placed my hands on top of his) him begin sliding his hands out from under mine and from my inner thighs to my posterior. Before I have a chance to slam again I feel him slide his hands back to my inner thighs.

I then quickly hear Jarrod ask me to place my hands on top of his again. As soon as my hands are on top of his he slowly slides his out so my hands are directly in contact with his inner thighs which are jiggling like crazy.

"Although my thighs aren't my favorite spot (on my body) if their jiggling turns you on so much I'm more than willing to give them freely to you." William breathes out heavily before continuing to admit "besides honestly, I can never get enough of your hands on any part of my body."

I smile at William as I indulge myself just a bit more (before we both reach the point). I close my eyes as I let my hands sink into his jiggling thighs just a bit more (never slowing down my thrusts).

     Thread Starter

June 25, 2024 10:30 am  #6117

Re: Movie night

Caitlin's POV

'Thanks for letting me have my week with Susan and Marie' Robyn told me at dinner  one night

'Of course' I told her taking her by the  hand and playing with our fingers. Tears were running down my cheeks as I did so.

'I know you'd do the same for me'

Tears began running down Robyn's cheeks too.

'Yes, I would' she replied softly. We wiped our tears and discussed when we could see Evie's play when it premiered at the West End. As the author she could get a limited number of tickets for friends and family without having to go through the lottery.

'I'd love you to see it' I continued, tears running down my cheeks again. 'On the first night it was a truly magical experience'

Robyn tenderly wiped my tears and said she would love to.

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

June 25, 2024 10:36 am  #6118

Re: Movie night

Emma's POV

When I awoke again it was ten o'clock. Natalie wasn't there but I knew where she was. The click clack of her boot heels told me she was preparing breakfast.

I put my own boots back on and she came through with a tray, her eyes glistening with tears

'Hey beautiful' she greeted softly. We kissed for a few moments on the couch, and I gently wiped a tear that was about to escape down her cheek.

We began to have breakfast while simultaneously reminding ourselves not to tell Lindsay about our impromptu movie night as we both knew how much she loved watching tears streaming down our faces, me especially.

We cuddled on the couch for a few moments until Natalie had to go to work.  Sadie and Liz were back so she was looking forward to hearing about their trip

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

June 25, 2024 3:17 pm  #6119

Re: Movie night

As soon as I get both of us dressed, Camilla teases me saying she’ll have to take care of my tent as soon as we get home. We put our seat belts and hit the road.

As soon as I enter the highway I drop my hand on Camilla’s relaxed thigh, feeling the perfect jiggle only she has. As her thigh continues to juggle in my hand, she drifts off to sleep, her thigh jiggling in my hand with each imperfection of the road or when I shake it lightly or pat it softly, as I can’t refrain from feeling her sexy jiggle.

After a little more than an hour, we reach home, as soon as the car stops, Camilla wakes up, as well as Jackson. I give Camilla one last pat, reveling in her sexy jiggles as I tell her I’ll take care of Jackson.

As I go and pick Jackson up, I tease Camilla: “I’ll put Jackson to bed, you can get ready to take care of the tent you built in my shorts.”


June 25, 2024 4:19 pm  #6120

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

As Anna keeps slamming hard against me, her sexy inner thighs jiggling beyond wildly in my hands as my inner thighs jiggle in her hands as she digs, sinking her fingers in my inner thighs.

That sensorial override makes me explode without being able to delay it a second, filling my wife with life giving seed, fortunately, I feel her give me a last strong slam, her thighs wobbling wildly as she bathes me while she moans loudly, my hands barely keeping up with her wildly wobbling thighs.


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