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June 25, 2024 9:00 pm  #6121

Re: Movie night

Jarrod teases me saying he'll out Jackson to bed so I'll have time to get ready for him.

As Jarrod is tending to Jackson (feeding, diaper, putting to bed) I slowly walk into the house still trying to wake up. I finish my coffee (I nearly forgot had) before yelling intothe other room to him "Just give me another min, I definitely need to change out if my clothes into something a bit more comfortable after our long day."

I quickly go into our bedroom and find a nice outfit to surprise Jarrod with when he's done.


June 25, 2024 9:06 pm  #6122

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

As soon as my fingers sink into William's thighs I feel him instantly reach the point sparing no time filling me up. That was all it took. One last slam and I feel myself also reach the point bathing his member while simultaneously moaning his name. (As much as I tried to shuffle myself I just couldn't).

After a few sec of William and I coming down I tell him "I think we should rejoin the others. They are probably wondering where we went off to. (Even though we told them, we just took longer than we anticipated)." I then leaned in and left one last deep kiss on his lips before finally standing up.

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June 25, 2024 9:12 pm  #6123

Re: Movie night

As soon as I finish tending to Jackson and make sure he’s asleep, I go to our room and Camilla is dressed in a stunning nightgown, her skin highlighted in the yellow fabric, her thighs soft, yet toned.

I say with a smile: “You’re definitely serious when you say you’re taking care of my tent, which, by the way, lasted the whole trip, your sensual thigh never stopped jiggling in my hand so, my tent didn’t have time to rest.”


June 25, 2024 9:19 pm  #6124

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

As we both reach climax, she says we have to go back to Tristan and Enid, then gives me a kiss and stands up.

I take her underwear and shorts and, not so slowly start dressing her. As I get to her sexy calves then thighs, I feel a strong pulsation in my sleepy member in response to the sexy jiggle of Anna’s thighs. I give her thigh a sensual pat, inadvertently shooting life giving seed that, apparently was the reserve or something.

I tease her: “It didn’t even ask me, it was a sudden and unexpected feeling.”


June 25, 2024 10:26 pm  #6125

Re: Movie night

Finally done tending to Jackson, Jarrod enters our room. I see a smile quickly spread across his face as he looks me up and down in my silky, lacy, short, yellow nightie. He says with a bit of a surprised tone that he now knows how serious I was about taking care of his tent adding that it was awake the whole ride as he never released my thighs the whole time I was asleep. (He indulged in their jiggle).

"Care to indulge in my jiggle one more time (before becoming intimate)?" I ask in a sultry tone; but before he could answer I stood up from the bed and began to walk hard from the bed to the door and back giving him a nice view of both my inner/outer, front/back thighs as they jiggled hard with each step.

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (June 25, 2024 10:26 pm)

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June 25, 2024 10:32 pm  #6126

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

Upon my request William starts dressing me. As soon as he passes my calves and reaches my thighs with my underwear and then shorts I hear him teasingly say his member never even asked him, its release just then was sudden and u expected.

"I'm glad it likes my thighs/calves so much." I begin just as sultry as I finally look down and notice the wet spot on William. "Now lets try to get you dressed before it decides to have a mind of its own again." I finish with a slight giggle.

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June 26, 2024 6:14 am  #6127

Re: Movie night

Jessica's POV

After an emotional goodbye with Sadie and Liz the two of us travel to our own flight.

We were both still crying, tears running down our cheeks. They didn't stop for quite sometime

Nevertheless it was nice to know that Liz and Sadie were so happy with each other

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

June 26, 2024 6:21 am  #6128

Re: Movie night

Rachel's POV

I was exhausted when I returned to Heathrow.

At the conclusion of my run through the Boston Commuter Rail system, I had retired to my motel that Gemma and Billie had booked for me only for a fire alarm to go off at 1am the next day, so I hadn't got much sleep.

I managed to get a few hours in on the plane but I was still horribly jet lagged.

I sent Kate a message telling her I was home and made my way towards my house

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

June 26, 2024 6:30 am  #6129

Re: Movie night

Emma's POV

Wiping my tears after my emotional goodbye with Natalie, I decided it would be a good idea to have a shower. Afterwards I was still wanting to watch a film, so enthralled I was by the ones I had watched so far.

I picked up the box again and returned to the sofa where me and my wife had enjoyed a wonderful night together. I ran my fingers down my boots as I decided. My final choice - I clearly hadn't had my fill of tears streaming down my face quite yet - was It's a Wonderful Life

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

June 26, 2024 3:54 pm  #6130

Re: Movie night

Before I utter a word, I see Camilla walking in a way so sexy she brings my most primal instincts: “Are you trying to drive me wild and take you instinctively? If I do so, I’m sure it’ll be a hard and intense round but, is that what you want? Or would you like me to take things slow and touch you like a princess?”


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