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June 26, 2024 4:30 pm  #6131

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Hearing Anna teasing me, I reply: “Ok, let’s go with the guys, but as soon as we get home, I’ll make these thighs and calves jiggle and wobble until they ask for truce. I warned you, I am addicted to your sexy legs.” I give Anna’s calf a playful pat then drop my hand on her thigh as I stand up.


June 26, 2024 9:11 pm  #6132

Re: Movie night

As I'm walking back towards Jarrod he asks me if I'm purposly trying to drive him wild. He asks if I'm willing to take it rough or if I'd rather he take things slow.

"As I said before, this time I'm here to completely please you so if you want it rough we can do it rough." I say trying to play to his every desire.

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June 26, 2024 9:19 pm  #6133

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

William agrees for us to get back to the others but adds that he wants me again as soon as we get home as he can never get enough of my legs. I then feel him pat my calf before dropping hi hand onn my thigh to help him stand up.

As soon as we rejoin the others I see Camilla tending to Annabelle while Jarrod was taking care of Enid's tears. I was a bit (but not too much) surprised seeing him instead of Tristan doing so until I realized Tristan was with the doctors.

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June 26, 2024 9:55 pm  #6134

Re: Movie night

Camilla is pushing all the buttons for a primal quick round. I warn her: “Do you think you can handle a strong, rough round, my Princess? I grasp her outer thighs, lifting her and throwing her to the bed. I go down on her, thrusting forcefully, making her thighs jiggle beyond her control (I know she couldn’t resist such force even if she tried).

As soon as I violently explode inside her, I feel surprised, instead of my strong tent deflating, with the last of Camilla’s calves jiggles against my forearms, I feel an even stronger and firmer tent than before, seeing her worked out muscles so wobbly and jiggly, almost as if they weren’t toned and defined, makes me desire her irresistibly.

I ask her: “Are you ready for round 2? I promise to make sure you see fireworks before I finish.”


June 26, 2024 10:13 pm  #6135

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

As soon as we enter the room, I see Tristan speaking with a doctor and nurses, Jarrod wiping Enid’s tears and Anna not knowing what to do.

I kneel in front of her as she’s sitting on the bed, Jarrod at her side wiping her tears. I drop both hands on her thighs gently, feeling her very toned quads jiggle unrestrained in my hands as I ask her if there’s anything I can do for her. As she nods a large tear falls from her left eye, rolls down her cheek quickly and lands on my hand on top of her thigh.

Unable to resist anymore, I bring my hands to her cheeks, Jarrod removes his hands, then I say: “Enid, no matter what you need, a nurse at home, money, whatever, don’t hesitate to ask.”


June 27, 2024 10:04 am  #6136

Re: Movie night

Emma's POV

After wiping my latest batch of streaming tears, I decided to take my boots off as my feet were pinching

Unzipping them from my legs, I propped them up by the wall and went through the kitchen to have a drink.

I returned to my seat on the couch, fixing my ponytail as it had become loose, then picked up the box to choose another film.

Deciding that I had cried enough, I picked Jurassic Park as my next choice

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

June 27, 2024 10:22 am  #6137

Re: Movie night

Kate's POV

I was really pleased that Rachel had been successful in Boston

'It was nice taking Billie along with me' my girlfriend told me. 'She enjoyed herself so much'

'I'm glad' I replied taking her hands in mine and playing with her fingers. Tears began running down our cheeks as we did so, and we just watched each other cry for a bit. After we had our fill, we wiped our tears away.

Evie was gearing up for the first performance of her play. It was coming along but it had been a tough few weeks as both she and the director wanted it to be perfect. Unfortunately me and Beth were in our final year at Drama school and wouldn't be able to attend it's opening night.

'Don't sweat it, dude' Evie told me 'I can still get you tickets whenever you're free'

I then asked her opinion about Leonora on The Thirteen Problems.

'She's okay' she replied diplomatically. 'She can get better I'm sure, but in this instance there are better actors in the show'

'According to my friend Imelda, she wants an Emmy for it' I informed her.

'Maybe not quite yet' Evie responded

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

June 27, 2024 10:38 am  #6138

Re: Movie night

Emily's POV

Me and my partner were back at our hotel after visiting Audrey, and managing to smash a few more windows.

Just like last time we had broken at least ten. I'd smashed every dining room window, one in the hall and upstairs and one in the pool house.

My partner had broken the two by the front door, the kitchen and one in the pool house.

We had both had to be careful breaking the pool house windows as we didn't want too much glass to go in the pool. Luckily Audrey had made sure it was completely safe for us.

As the glass was being swept up, we both realised over three visits we had broken every window in her house.

'Don't worry, I can afford it' Audrey told me.

The question was what would we do between now and the next time. My partner suggested asking Mirabelle, Enid's friend.

'She's got double glazing now' she reminded me. 'Remember, she let me smash all her windows'

I wasn't too thrilled with that suggestion but I agreed to consider it. We both got ready for dinner

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

June 27, 2024 10:16 pm  #6139

Re: Movie night

Jarrod asks if I really think I can handle it rough, but before I can answer I feel him grab my outer thighs and throw me onto the bed. I feel him instantly enter between my legs with a thrust so forceful I can't stop my thighs from jiggling even if I tried. After only a few sec I feel him really the point and begin filling me up as my calves jiggle uncontrollably against his forearms.

I quickly hear Jarrod ask if I'm ready for round two as his tent hasn't even begun to deflate yet. He promises to take me to heaven this time before even considering exploding again.

"I'd love to. I mean I haven't quite reached the point yet so it would be nice to have a bit more attention this time." I say back just as quickly.

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June 27, 2024 10:41 pm  #6140

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

As soon as we enter the room I begin to survey the situation. Initially I take Annabelle from Camilla so she doesn't have two kids to watch. I then notice William sitting next to Enid as he asks if there is anything he can do to be of help. I then see Jarrod move his hands from her face only to have them replaced with Williams. As he's wiping her still falling tears he surprises me by telling her she shouldn't hesitate to ask if she needs a home nurse, money or anything else. To my surprise although she thanks him she turns him down.

Shortly thereafter Jarrod and Camilla excuse themselves saying they should be going as they still have a four hr drive home ahead of them.

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