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July 6, 2024 3:03 pm  #6191

Re: Movie night

I notice Camilla flex her muscles, reducing the jiggle to just a very light shake of her muscles. I smile as Camilla chooses ice cream, we continue our walk to the office.

As we enter the obgyn’s office, she’s ready to receive Camilla in her office…


July 6, 2024 3:07 pm  #6192

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Feeling Anna’s thighs jiggling wildly as she slams herself against me quickly makes us both reach the point of no return. I warn Anna: “Love of my life, your sexy muscles jiggling wildly in my hands is too much to resist, I am about to reach the point of no return.”


July 7, 2024 3:59 am  #6193

Re: Movie night

Billie's POV

On Saturday, I got to meet Susan's romantic partner Edward. He was a little shy, but very kind and polite as I opened the door to him.

Susan gave him a loving embrace as tears streamed down her face. After she had wiped her tears we sat down for lunch.

Susan's parents liked Edward too, and why wouldn't they. He insisted on taking the plates through and loading the dishwasher, so I decided to help him.

After we had both finished this task, Susan asked us if we wanted to come for a walk and we enthusiastically agreed

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

July 7, 2024 4:12 am  #6194

Re: Movie night

Emily's POV

Isabel was a little down when I returned to work. After giving me a hug with tears running down her cheeks, she explained what was wrong.

'Ally is getting a little jealous' she explained mournfully. She wiped at her tears but they kept coming, glistening their way down her face.

'She isn't liking my friendship with Evadne. I mean it's perfectly above board and everything..'

She paused to wipe her third set of running tears. Suddenly she started to sob and I gave her a comforting hug, tears streaming down my face.

'It's her hair' Isabel explained through sobs. She had ceased wiping her tears and was now just letting them fall.

'Despite the odd colour, she really suits blue hair and it's so long and luscious'

'Does she like you?' I asked. Isabel nodded. Her tears had stopped falling now, and they were drying on her cheeks

'If you want to date her, then go ahead. But you have to break up with Ally first.  Don't cheat on her'

'I won't' Isabel confirmed squeezing out a final sob. 'I'm sorry, look at me burdening you with my problems. How was your holiday?'

I gave her a gentle smile and told her it was lovely

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

July 7, 2024 4:18 pm  #6195

Re: Movie night

As soon as we finish our ice cream we head into the obgyn office for my appointment. To my surprise they are ready to take me immediately. I go in leaving Jarrod to watch Jackson in the waiting room.

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July 7, 2024 4:21 pm  #6196

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

William warns me that he can't resist my muscles jiggling so wildly in his hands and is about to reach the point. With that I place my hands on top of his as they are on my thighs, intensifying every sensation from every jiggle he is feeling.

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (July 7, 2024 4:21 pm)

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July 7, 2024 8:43 pm  #6197

Re: Movie night

I revel seeing Camilla’s sexy thighs as the wobble lightly as she enters the obgyn office, then start playing with Jackson.

Time flies as, I’m still playing with Jackson, when Camilla comes out.


July 7, 2024 9:06 pm  #6198

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

After I warn Anna that I am having a hard time resisting the wild, unrestrained jiggle of her thighs, she places her hands on top of my hands, intensifying the feeling of her sexy quads, outer and inner thigh muscles jiggling in my hands, pushing me over the edge. I thrust with all my force, feeling her sexy thighs jiggle in a way I can’t resist, exploding forcefully inside her, I fill her core completely with life giving liquid, in such a way I am almost 100% sure I got her pregnant this time if I hadn’t already.


July 8, 2024 4:11 am  #6199

Re: Movie night

Billie's POV

I was flying back to Gemma in Boston after seeing Susan. It had been a wonderful four days, and it was nice to catch up with her. It was a shame I couldn't do the same thing for Marie but I could meet her at Easter next year

Susan had waved me off at the airport, tears streaming down her face. And now I was crying too in my airline seat as I read through Chequered Flag one of the Sisterhood of Nine stories.

I wiped a tear as it ran down my right cheek as the book described Sally and Kira's first kiss. A pair of tears followed close behind and I wiped them too. Finally a fourth fell down my left cheek.

I had to stop reading as the trolley was coming down and I didn't want to have a crying face for the flight attendant. I bought myself a chocolate bar and a drink and my thoughts turned to Gemma who was visiting Chloe.

Her best friend had been in a terrible state, as her marriage had brutally collapsed after finding out that her husband had been cheating on her throughout their union. It was hardly surprising therefore that tears were running down my cheeks at a fictional romance

I resumed my book but there were no more tears until the end. Gemma was waiting for me and we silently hugged, tears streaming down our faces. We shared a kiss and wiped out tears away.

'I'm so grateful to have you in my life' Gemma told me her eyes filling with tears again. 'I love you so much'

'I love you too' I replied, as another tear began to stream down my face. We walker back to her car and drove home

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

July 8, 2024 8:20 pm  #6200

Re: Movie night

I stop in the doorway as I exit my appointment and take a moment to look at Jarrod and Jackson playing in the waiting room. I smile as I feel tears begin filling my eyes.

"So how was your appointment?" Jarrod asked me as I finally began walking towards them.

I sigh heavily as I look up at them. "I was sure this would be it...we've been trying for so long..." I blurt out as I finally trail off unable to speak anymore.

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