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July 11, 2024 9:23 pm  #6231

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

After massaging my head William moves down to my back and sides of my abs making sure to wash them extra slow until I let out a moan. He then continues downward, bringing his arms around me to wash my breasts and abs.

I let out another moan as William continues down further to my thighs and calves. He doesn't even hide the tent my body has given him as I feel it poking at me asking if I'm ready for it to enter.

"I guess you liked my relaxing massage as much as I did." I say teasingly giggling a bit.


July 11, 2024 9:33 pm  #6232

Re: Movie night

Isabel's pov:

As soon as I enter Tristan's office I sit. Before I even have time to get comfortable Tristan begins talking. He tells me it's ok to cry if I want as he can see how upset I am. He then surprises me by kneeling in front of me while placing his hand on my shoulder before adding that if I feel comfortable he'd like me to release my tears as I won't be judged for my feelings.

I take a deep breath and decide to just tell him my situation (and let the tears fall or not as they feel). "I appreciate your concern. It's just that I'm in a situation and I'm not sure what to do. I've already talked to both Emily as well as Enid and they both agree on an answer, but my head and heart are still conflicted." I explain as I feel fresh tears beginning to sting the backs of my eyes.

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (July 11, 2024 9:33 pm)

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July 11, 2024 11:22 pm  #6233

Re: Movie night

As I hear Camilla say how much she wished Jackson had a sibling and rubbing her own abs, I tell her, half playful half serious: “Well, I have heard there are days in which one can almost guarantee a pregnancy, even more, depending on the day (of the ovulation cycle) you can even choose gender. How about we save our energies until we have a high probability of having a girl?”

I kneel in front of her, lift her too and kiss her abs then playfully pat her quads and inner thigh(one with each hand).


July 11, 2024 11:28 pm  #6234

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

When I hear Anna moan, it makes me think she’s getting ready to fulfill our sacrament of marriage, then hearing her say: "I guess you liked my relaxing massage as much as I did." I reply: “Can you blame me for getting turned on as I caress your sexy flat abs or your breathtaking, jiggly thighs and calves?”


July 12, 2024 1:13 am  #6235

Re: Movie night

Tristan’s POV:

After Isabel tells me her situation with her girlfriend and says that both Enid and Emily have given her the same advice, she still feels conflicted. As she finishes talking, tears slowly fill her eyes.

I remove my hand from her shoulder and, very gently, place it on her knee at the same time I bring my other hand (which was free and balancing me) to her cheek: “Don’t fight it Isabel, nobody is here, nobody will judge you, I’m here for you, to listen, to comfort, if you ask advice I’ll give it, if you don’t I won’t. I’ll give you whatever you need.” I delicately and very slowly swipe my thumb across her cheek.


July 12, 2024 9:44 pm  #6236

Re: Movie night

Upon seeing me Jarrod tries to comfort me by telling me he's heard about there being days in wich one can almost guarantee getting pregnant, even choosing gender. He then asks if we can save our energy for one of those days.

I then, suprised see him kneel in front of me before lifting me just enough to kiss my abs and pat my quads and inner thigh.

"Yeah I think if that's so, we should figure out what days will be the best and just have our fun then like you already suggested." I say giving Jarrod a sincere smile.

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July 12, 2024 9:48 pm  #6237

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

William replies asking if I can blame him for getting turned on as he caresses my abs or my thighs and calves.

"Well, I guess not." I say as I give him a full of love smile before turning my head down towards his member.

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (July 12, 2024 9:50 pm)

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July 12, 2024 10:01 pm  #6238

Re: Movie night

Isabel's pov:

As soon as I begin to tell Tristan what's wrong I feel him remove his hand from my shoulder and place it on my knee as he simultaneously brings his other hand to my cheek. I guess he noticed the tears that were stinging the backs of my eyes were now filling them full because he began to tell me not to fight my tears; that it is just us and I won't be judged. He's only there to listen and comfort. I then feel him slowly swipe the pad of his thumb across my cheek.

I take a shaky breath and decide to let whatever is going to happen, happen as I begin to speak. "It's just that I love my gf Allie very much and would hate to hurt her by cheating on her, but am starting to get really strong feelings for my new friend Evadne. I was given strong advice that it wouldn't be right to cheat on her, but then I'll always be wondered what if." I start rambling a bit only stopping when I finally feel a few thick, hot tears start running from the inner and middle of my eyes and down my cheeks in multiple streaks.

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (July 12, 2024 10:01 pm)

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July 12, 2024 11:02 pm  #6239

Re: Movie night

Camilla and I enter a new dynamic, we keep our energy for the days of the month in which we can conceive a baby girl and release everything during those days, I find it particularly hard because the sight and feel of her sexy thighs and calves jiggling sparks a desire in me to become one with her, so, I start a new discipline, at 27, I start taking Krav Maga lessons, both to learn self defense as well as to burn the energy I have for Camilla in martial arts. When the fall semester is about to end, I take Camilla to the obgyn once more.


July 13, 2024 2:17 am  #6240

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

As I see Anna looking at my tent, I tease her: “Do you like what you see? What would you like to do with it?”

I tease her rubbing my tent on her thighs.


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