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July 14, 2024 3:49 pm  #6251

Re: Movie night

Isabel's pov:

Tristan lifts his head to look me directly in my eyes before telling me reassuringly that I am doing a good job trusting in him. Adding that if I don't want any advice right now he won't give it he'll just be there for me, to pray for me,comfort me by taking care of my tears just as he would like. I see through my still blurry vision him blushing with his last statement.

"I appreciate it. Just having someone (Emily and Enid are great too) willing to listen, sometimes offer advice (as needed) and comfort is nice." I begin taking a shaky breath as I try to compose myself. "You're very lucky to have Enid if she comforts you as well as you're trying to comfort me." I finish hoping I haven't overstepped my bounds any.

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (July 15, 2024 8:32 pm)


July 14, 2024 4:03 pm  #6252

Re: Movie night

I turn to look into her eyes, instinctively crashing my lips on hers in a passionate kiss. Once we break the kiss, I acknowledge: “My princess, I am surprised, I thought you wouldn’t reach this muscular level again, you know, after the pregnancy. You have just earned a massage.” I want to feel her worked out muscles relax completely.


July 14, 2024 4:19 pm  #6253

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Seeing Anna rinse seductively, I “help” her rinse, taking her thighs in my hands, brushing the water off her legs, making her muscles jiggle with each brush.

I ask her: “Are you ready for another round, continue seeking a baby boy?” I pat her outer thighs (hoping to feel them jiggle the way only her sexy muscles do).


July 14, 2024 6:44 pm  #6254

Re: Movie night

Tristan’s POV:

Noticing Isabel understood clearly, I gather courage and reply: “Enid and I share our emotions naturally between us, we have wiped and kissed each other’s tears many times. As a matter of fact, the day I met Enid, I wiped her tears for the first time, and, she knows I have wiped tears from many friends.”

I give her thighs a couple of pats more.


July 15, 2024 8:38 pm  #6255

Re: Movie night

Isabel's pov:

Tristan surprises me by telling me that yes Enid has comforted him, many times as has he for her. That they have both wiped and kissed each others tears many times; intact the first being the day they met.

Tristan quickly adds (clarifying) as hegives my thighs a couple more pats that Enid knows he comfirts/wipes tears from many of his friends, I guess trying to make me feel even more comfortable.

"Well, all that said I think I would still really like your advice on my situation. I mean I know it will probably be in line with Emily and Enid but still..." I mention still trying to calm down.

     Thread Starter

July 15, 2024 8:43 pm  #6256

Re: Movie night

As Jarrod is looking into my eyes I see him lean in as I feel him give me a deep passionate kiss. As soon as we break the kiss he explains that he never thought I'd reach my current muscular level again, after being pregnant a yr and a half ago. He excites me saying that I've earned a massage.

"Where would you like me? I'm giving you full control of all my worked out muscles." I ask extremely excited and a bit turned on.

     Thread Starter

July 15, 2024 8:47 pm  #6257

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

I gasp a bit as I feel William helping me rinse. I feel him take my thighs in his hands as he helps me brush the water off my legs making my muscles jiggle a bit with each brush. He then asks if I'm ready for another round (to try and get pregnant) I then gasp as I feel him pat my outer thighs.

"I'd love to, but first we need to dry off. Care to help me dry my legs (when we get out)?" I ask teasingly feeling myself already getting a bit wet.

     Thread Starter

July 15, 2024 8:52 pm  #6258

Re: Movie night

Tristan’s POV:

Hearing Isabel asking she would like my advice, I warn her: “Isabel, let me tell you I am a religious person, if at any point you feel like crying or you don’t like the way I am going, feel free to let your tears flow or interrupt me.” I place my hands firmly on her thighs (more than probable her muscles will jiggle unrestrained once more): “First, I would like you to do an introspection exercise, since when do you like girls? Have you ever felt attraction towards a guy? Try to remember if there was any aggression, be it physical, mental or emotional from a man during your childhood. I know some, if not most cases of sexual deviations are originated by one of those causes.” I give her thighs a squeeze, caress her cheeks and drop my hands once more on the middle of her thighs.


July 15, 2024 8:55 pm  #6259

Re: Movie night

Hearing Camilla so excited and turned on, I reply: “Either here in the bed, just at the edge, or on the sofa, wherever you feel more comfortable. I recommend you relax your body completely, also, try to ease your mind as well, and, as you already know, if emotions come, let them course their way freely and without obstacles or restrictions.”

Since we’re already naked, I wait for her move…


July 15, 2024 8:58 pm  #6260

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Hearing Anna, I know she’s up to it: “Whatever my queen desires, feel free to relax and let me take care of you.”

I turn the water off and, taking the towel, I start to dry her, I start with her hair, going down to her neck and shoulders, then her back, breasts and abs (I love the bounce her breasts have), going to her thighs and calves (I hope she keeps her muscles fully relaxed).


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