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July 16, 2024 4:09 am  #6261

Re: Movie night

Robyn's POV

Caitlin had some news for me, but it had to remain a secret for now.

Tears streamed down her face as she told me Rachel wanted to marry her sister.

I won't lie, my own eyes started to fill with tears too. My partner asked what I wanted to do. The original plan was to decide we should get married when Caitlin's course at Oxford was finished and obviously Kate was still at drama school.

Talking with Rachel a little more we chose to decide the following summer when we were all free of our current commitments

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

July 16, 2024 9:02 pm  #6262

Re: Movie night

Isabel's pov:

Tristan starts by for warning me that he's a very religious person and is going to answer my question as such, but if at any time I can feel free to cry or even interrupt him. I then feel him place his hands firmly on my thighs. More curious about his answer than what my thighs are doing I let them jiggle unrestrained again.

He starts by asking when I first started having interest in girls and if I ever had any attraction toward a guy. He then surprised me by asking if I've ever had any aggression be it physical or mental by a guy (that's what usually causes sexual deviations). I then feel him  give my thighs another squeeze before removing his hands to caress my cheeks before dropping his hands back on the middle of my thighs.

"I guess I've been attracted to girls for as long as I can remember. I mean I did date a few guys, but that was only to please my family. That being said they were actually pretty supportive when I came out. And I can't really think of any physical or mental aggression in my life by either a guy or girl." I say honestly answering all his questions.

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (July 16, 2024 9:05 pm)

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July 16, 2024 9:08 pm  #6263

Re: Movie night

Jarrod says either here (on the bed) or on the couch whichever is more relaxing for me. He says he'd like me to ease my mind along with my body and let whatever emotions come, flow freely.

"I think the bed would be more relaxing." I say waiting for him to lead me.

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July 16, 2024 9:12 pm  #6264

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

William asks me to relax and let him take care of me. After he turns off the water he grabs a towel and starts slowly drying me. Starting with my hair down to my neck, shoulders, back, breasts, abs finishing with my thighs and calves. I make sure to leave my muscles completely relaxed so both my thighs and calves jiggle unrestrained in his hands in hopes he'll continue to "dry" them.

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July 16, 2024 9:14 pm  #6265

Re: Movie night

Tristan’s POV:

Feeling Isabel’s quads jiggling unrestrained lets me know she’s telling the truth. Hearing her answer, I reply: “To be honest, Church teachings say you should consider either the religious vocation or a state of being single, but I understand where you are right now. I suggest you, at least, be honest, and if you need to cry, I think I have proven you can come to me without fear of judgment or any bad consequences. I am always here for my friends, if you liked the way I wiped and kissed your tears, feel free to come to me again, if you felt reassured and understood by my gestures, don’t hesitate to come to my office and we can have a private moment, like right now.”

I cup her cheeks once more: “If you have any pent up emotions, now is the time to release them, better here than where and when you least want to explode.”


July 16, 2024 9:19 pm  #6266

Re: Movie night

Camilla chooses bed, I smile and whisper in her ear: “Start to set your body, mind and emotions in a full relaxed mode, I’ll get some oil and be right back.” I go and grab essential oils that will help her relax and start applying it to her neck, massaging it thoroughly, moving to her shoulders, making sure to dissolve all the stress knots; I move to her back, making sure to work all her muscles adjacent to her spinal cord, knowing that will help her relax a lot and even (specifically the upper back) relax her self consciousness allowing pent up emotions to be released (in case there are stuck emotions).


July 16, 2024 9:22 pm  #6267

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Feeling Anna allowing her sensual thighs and calves completely relaxed, makes me tease her spending more time drying her legs, from her upper inner thighs, going out, all the way down to her calves, “accidentally” brushing her core every time I slide my hands up, trying to get her as turned on as she’s making me feel.


July 17, 2024 2:27 pm  #6268

Re: Movie night

Liz's POV

As Sadie read me the text from the girls, tears ran down both our cheeks. It would be amazing to spend Christmas with them. The joint holiday in Colorado had given us so many happy memories

Sadie wiped her tears and sent them our reply.

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

July 18, 2024 2:53 am  #6269

Re: Movie night

Isabel's pov:

Tristan says he understands where I am coming from. Then says that if I ever feel the need to cry he has shown me I can come to him, that he's always there for his friends. Any time I need a private moment I shouldn't hesitate. I then feel him cup my cheeks again telling me if I have any pent up emotions left it'd be better me get them out now than explode when I don't want to.

"I...I...I...just wish Allison and Evadne were ok with me being with them both. I mean I'm not sure how Evadne feels, but I know Allison is totally against the idea (asked her hypothetically). I mean I can't live without Allison, but will always regret not at least trying to fulfill my feelings/desires for Evadne too." I said hoping not to be judged too harshly (knowing now how religious Tristan is).

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July 18, 2024 2:58 am  #6270

Re: Movie night

As soon as I choose Jarrod whispers for me to set my body, mind and emotions in relaxed mode while he grabs the massage oil. I lay facing down on the bed. He quickly returns and starts my massage starting with my neck moving to my shoulders then back. I let out a relaxed sigh as I can feel all my knots dissolving.

Just as Jarrod said I let my mind completely wander seeing what emotions will come as he continues down further with my massage.

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