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July 20, 2024 4:02 pm  #6291

Re: Movie night

As I try to refrain from completely breaking down, (as I don't ruin my massage) I feel Jarrod turn me over and lift my head with one of his hands as I hear him begin whispering in my ear to just let my emotions out, loud or soft as we are alone in the house (no witnesses).

"It's. Just. That." I begin as with hitched breathing. "I. Thought. Jackson. Just. Now. Was. Another. Baby. We. Had. Then. I. Rememvered. We. Haven't. Concieved. Again. Yet." I finished feeling a lump in my throat as big, hot tears began steadily streaming from both of my eyes burning a trail down both of my cheeks.


July 20, 2024 4:10 pm  #6292

Re: Movie night

Seeing Camilla’s beautiful eyes fill with tears until big, hot tears burn their way down her cheeks leaving thick streaks behind, I lean and kiss her tears, giving Camilla a cool sensation contrasting her hot tears: “It’s on my love, I’ll make sure we have the most beautiful and healthy baby girl in the world. Would you like to try it now or would you like me to finish the massage first?”


July 20, 2024 4:11 pm  #6293

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

William answered by explaining that although a tempting offer he's so addicted to my thighs and calves, especially in his hands, that he'd love to do it in any position he could feel them feel them wobble and jiggle (wether that be hands, mouth or becoming one).

"Seeing as that's the only requirement..." I begin trailing off for a sec "Would you get more jiggles as we become one if I'm facing you or facing away from you?" I finish asking curiously.

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July 20, 2024 4:23 pm  #6294

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Anna get me thinking: “I wonder, I really love when you ride me, because you crash against me voluntarily making your thighs and calves jiggle, but, in which position would they relax the most (so they don’t have to carry themselves), if we are side by side or if you lie down and Ilift your completely relaxed calves, taking care of everything.”


July 21, 2024 12:06 pm  #6295

Re: Movie night

Claire’s POV

'You made it' Poppy greeted happily. She gave Jen a hug, tears streaming down her face.

We were at the German Market with Poppy and Amit and after she had wiped her tears, she introduced herself to me

'It's nice to meet you at last' I told her, my eyes filling with tears.

The four of us started exploring, me and Jen occasionally wiping a tear or two as they ran down our cheeks. It was very cold. Nevertheless we were both happy as we weaved our way through the shops, our boot heels click clacking on the concrete

We luckily managed to find some last minute presents for Christmas and after meeting up again with Poppy and Amit we decamped to Jen's cupcake shop for a coffee and a cupcake

Last edited by reptongeek (July 21, 2024 3:18 pm)

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

July 21, 2024 5:09 pm  #6296

Re: Movie night

I see Jarrod leaning in through my blurry vision and feel him kissing my tears before
telling me comfortingly as he pulls away that he'll make sure we have the most healthy and beautiful baby girl in the world. He then asks if I'd like to try now or finish my massage.

"Mind if you finish my massage first?" I ask slowly and with hitched breathing (my tears never stopping).

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July 21, 2024 5:13 pm  #6297

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

William thinks for a moment contemplating both positions out loud. I listen tentatively taking all of his thoughts into consideration.

"Which position would be best if I wanted to feel your thighs jiggling in my hands at the same time you're feeling mine?" I ask hoping to narrow down his thoughts a bit while also getting something I really want.

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July 22, 2024 1:39 pm  #6298

Re: Movie night

I kiss a couple of more tears, wiping her face clear of streaks, making a clear canvas for new streaks, I lower her head and resume the massage.

I start finishing with her feet, encouraging her to release all her tears, no matter how loud or hard they come. I move to her calves, tears still streaming down her cheeks as I get very aroused feeling her shapely calves jiggling in my hands as I massage them.

I go higher, reaching her thighs, barely resisting from reaching the edge as I jiggle them more than noticeably. At that moment, I stop and go back to her face, wiping and kissing her tears and streaks.


July 22, 2024 5:50 pm  #6299

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

I reply: “Well, if we do it sideways it would be a bit difficult for you to reach my thighs, if I place your calves on my shoulders, besides feeling your strong and shapely calf muscles jiggle against my shoulders, you would have easy access to my thighs.”


July 22, 2024 8:28 pm  #6300

Re: Movie night

I feel Jarrod kiss a couple more of my still falling tears before lowering my head back down to continue my massage

I feel Jarrod finish massaging my feet as he encourages me to continue releasing my tears. I then feel him continue up to my calves. I let them jiggle freely in his hands with every silent sob (as I feel my tears start to increase in intensity).

Soon I notice Jarrod has continued on even higher, to my thighs before stopping briefly to wipe and kiss a few more tears and their streaks from my face.

"I love you." I whisper between silent sobs unable to say anything else.

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