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July 31, 2024 8:04 pm  #6341

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

Relaxing completely into the feeling of William's soft hands on my completely relaxed thighs I can't help but smile feeling lucky to have him. After a moment I let out a gasp as I feel him begin leaving deep kisses on my neck sending shivers of pleasure up and down my neck.

Before William has a chance to pull away I place my hand on the back of his neck and pull him in even closer (never letting go) so his kisses keep coming.


August 1, 2024 1:41 pm  #6342

Re: Movie night

Billie's POV

Me and Gemma were flying back to Boston after a wonderful Christmas with our family.

Caitlin had met all of mine and Robyn's family and they gave the couple their seal of approval. There was now no barrier to their marriage plans which were put on hold until Caitlin graduated, at which point their engagement would become official

Tears ran down my cheeks as I thought of them during the flight. And then there was Gemma's friend Chloe. Who had sadly found out that sometimes happy ever after didn't always work out.

Gemma knelt my head against mine. She was thinking the same thing as me as she had tears running down her cheeks too.

We wiped them away as the trolley started to make its way down the aisle

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

August 1, 2024 1:45 pm  #6343

Re: Movie night

Enid's POV

After we had Christmas, Tristan wanted to start working out plans for his second outlet at Jarrod's school

However these plans were put on hold, while Jarrod and Camilla were seeing Sadie in Bellingham.

He seemed obsessed with Marie's celebration at Easter and was still trying to make it grander

'No Tris' I told him firmly. 'No balloons!. Just the same menu as last time and your special drink. Please can this be the last time we discuss this! This is not about you! This is what Marie wants'

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

August 3, 2024 4:48 am  #6344

Re: Movie night

Jennifer's POV

Me and Jessica were at our hotel getting  ready for our Christmas meal with Sadie and Liz.

I picked up a hair brush and started to gently pull it through my wife's hair. In the mirror I saw her eyes begin to well with tears. I continued to brush as  one overflowed her right eye and ran down her cheek. After a few seconds a pair slid down both sides of her face.

She raised her hands and gently wiped them away as I finished brushing and started to run my fingers through her thick hair.

A couple more tears ran down her left cheek as I played with her fronds. She sighed in ecstasy. A final tear ran down her right cheek as I pulled her hair back in its traditional ponytail.

She tenderly and passionately kissed me on the lips. When we broke apart we both had tears in our eyes.

'My turn' I said softly, as they started to stream down my face.

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

August 6, 2024 2:37 pm  #6345

Re: Movie night

Tristan’s POV:

I start working on a unique recipe for Robin and another one for Marie, I want to make this event the most emotive experience for Marie and for Robin. At the same time, I try to, finally, set the coffee both in Jarrod’s school, but he and his wife are out of the country.

I decide to let that project rest, at least for one month, focusing on making my beautiful wife happy and going back to the SCA for the latest courses, I have more than a year of courses, since the Coffee Technician Program is six courses, it will take me more than a year to finish them, while the Coffee Sustainability Program will take me one year only (doing one Coffee Tech and one Coffee Sustainability at the same time).

I look for the best gift for Enid for this Christmas.


August 6, 2024 3:30 pm  #6346

Re: Movie night

Hearing Camilla’s moans in a crescendo, her breathtaking thighs and calves jiggling beyond her control, and her sexy breasts bouncing as she slams hard into me, send whatever life giving seeds in me to dive in their hot transport towards her womb, leaving a hot sensation along my ducts.

I grasp her thighs, making then wobble even more as I shake them, letting her know I’m ready to release.


August 6, 2024 3:35 pm  #6347

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Feeling Anna pull my neck so I won’t stop kissing her, I tease her: “Am I hinting another round of pure bliss and joy coming or did I get the wrong message? Feeling your strong and firm, sexy thighs giving in and juggling softly in my hands turn me on like you can’t even imagine, no matter how tired or busy I might be, you disarm my will with your sexy jiggles.”

I mean and kiss the side of her neck as I grasp and shake her outer thigh, making it jiggle in my hand.


August 6, 2024 9:04 pm  #6348

Re: Movie night

As I let out a loud moan I can't help my thighs and calves jiggling beyond my control and my breasts bouncing wildly with every hard slam. After a few sec I feel Jarrod grasp my thighs tightly as he begins shaking them making them wobble uncomfortably. I can tell he is about to release.

"I'm almost ready." I moan out hoping to encourage him to try to hold on so we can reach the point together.

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (August 6, 2024 9:15 pm)

     Thread Starter

August 6, 2024 9:15 pm  #6349

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

As I pull William in tighter I hear him tease me asking me if I'm hinting for another round or if he's reading me wrong. He explains how every time my thighs give in and jiggle turn him on like nothing else. No matter how tired or busy my jiggles stop him in his tracks every time.

I then feel William lean in even harder and give me another deep kiss as I feel him simultaneously begin shaking my outer thigh making it jiggle in his hand.

"I guess that was a not so subtle hint. I mean you have no idea how much it drives me wild when you leave kisses on my neck or when you pat and shake my thighs (both very weak spots of mine)."

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (August 6, 2024 9:16 pm)

     Thread Starter

August 7, 2024 12:57 am  #6350

Re: Movie night

Hearing Camilla I adjust myself and start thrusting stronger, hitting more sensitive spots: “I’m almost ready too.” I tease her as I continue to thrust strong as I indulge in her sexy thighs and calves jiggling in my hands.


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