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August 9, 2024 5:15 pm  #6361

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Feeling Anna’s sexy thighs and calves and hearing her, I reply: “Believe me, I do have and idea, feel me, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to wait for you before exploding and filling you, your sexy thighs and calves are more addictive than any drugs or alcohol, I just can’t stop myself from feeling them regardless of where we are and who is present.”


August 9, 2024 8:57 pm  #6362

Re: Movie night

Jarrod then surprises me when he confesses straight from his heart that although he had dated a few girls before me, wiped some tears and jiggled some thighs; and that some had found his weakness for thighs, calves and even tears, he never felt fulfilled until he found me again. He surprised me even more when he confessed that had never become one with any of them.

I felt myself welling with more love and passion than I had ever previously in our entire relationship when I felt Jarrod give me the most full of love kiss anyone had ever placed on my lips. I couldn't help, nor stop my already swimming tears to slowly fall down my cheeks and onto his lips

As Jarrod finally parted from our kiss I couldn't help but whisper "I never knew. I wish you told me before and I would have made our fist time the most magical experience of your life."

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August 9, 2024 9:07 pm  #6363

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

As soon as he enters he tells me he has just the idea of how much I am being turned on. He then asks me to feel his tent explaining that he doesn't know how long he can wait before he explodes in me as I am more addictive to him than any drugs or alcohol.

"Wow! I'm elated you find me such a turn on." I begin starting to ride him slowly. "Feel free to explode any time as long as you have enough energy for another round after (to help me reach the point too)." I finish giving him a sly smirk speeding up pace just a bit.

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August 10, 2024 4:06 am  #6364

Re: Movie night

Jessica's POV

Me and Jennifer had a lovely meal with Sadie and Liz. We were both so happy they agreed with our move.

'The girls at the shop will love to see you again too' Sadie told us, as tears ran down her cheeks.

This was wonderful news. Helen and Natalie were really nice to us during our wedding preparations and on the day itself. We'd both never forgotten how beautiful Helen looked with tears streaming down her face, when we mentioned the gazebo outside the shop.

After the meal we said goodbye to the girls as more tears came down our cheeks. We needed to get back home, so we started to pack

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

August 10, 2024 2:48 pm  #6365

Re: Movie night

As I feel Camilla’s big, hot tears land on my lips as I give her a full of love and passion kiss, I can’t help but smile as I bring my hands tu cup her beautiful, smooth cheeks, feeling the thickest streaks I have ever felt, erasing with my loving slow swipes.

When we break the kiss and Camilla tells me I should have told her it was my first time making love, I reply: “I honestly thought it was your first time as well, seeing you like a beautiful angel, the beauty you are. I wish you could see yourself right now with my eyes, I am breathless seeing the most beautiful tears slowly crawling their way down your cheeks leaving the most artistic thick streaks on your cheeks. But don’t worry, it was the most magical experience in my life and, you know what? There is something in you that makes every single time we make love, every single time I feel your sexy thighs or calves jiggle, every single tear I wipe or kiss from your cheeks, that is the most magical experience every time it happens. You have brought me to a world of magic and happiness I never thought I’d ever have.”

I drop my hands on her thighs…


August 10, 2024 2:55 pm  #6366

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Hearing Anna’s suggestion (of reaching without her), I politely decline her offer: “Oh, thank you my love, but I have other plans. I want you to reach the peak of mount bliss the most times you’re capable of, until you feel an overwhelming love that you just can’t contain inside of you. I’ll be ready to wipe and kiss your precious tears of joy and happiness when they decide to come out and play slide on your beautiful cheeks.”

I switch angle a bit, knowing I’m hitting her most sensitive spot at the same time I brace myself, one hand on her thigh and the other on her calf, doing all in my hands to reach the peak of mount bliss hand in hand.


August 10, 2024 5:41 pm  #6367

Re: Movie night

As Jarrod and I part our kiss I feel him cup my cheeks and use the pads of his thumbs to wipe my falling tears. He then tells me that he thought it was also my first time. Then adds how breathless he is as he watches my tears roll down my cheeks. How magical it is every time we make love, my thighs and calves jiggle or the tears he wipes or kisses from my cheeks.

I then feel Jarrod drop his hands on my thighs. After all of his loving words I can't help but let my thighs jiggle uncontrollably in his hands as I feel another wave of thick, hot full of love tears roll down my cheeks.

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August 10, 2024 5:52 pm  #6368

Re: Movie night

Seeing her extremely beautiful tears and feeling her perfect thighs jiggle uncontrollably in my hands generates a feeling of a strange desire, it’s more of an overwhelming love that manifests in the desire to become one with her but not in a primal, animal way. I want to give her all my love, physical, mental and spiritual, I want to bring the happiest tears to her eyes, a torrent of hot, large, tears of love and mutual devotion to stream down her cheeks, to lovingly take care of them as I give her the gift of life.


August 10, 2024 5:53 pm  #6369

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

Upon my suggestion William politely declines my offer to explode before him saying he'd rather I'd reach the point as many times as possible until I feel an overwhelming sense of love. That he'll be ready to wipe and kiss all my tears as we continue to make love.

I then feel William shift position a bit seemingly to better hit all my sensitive spots better. I then feel him place one hand on my thigh, the other on my calf.

"Mmmm." I moan with a smile as I feel myself moving toward the point.

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August 10, 2024 5:57 pm  #6370

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

I hear Anna moan as she shows signs that she’s reaching the point, I indulge in her thigh and calf as I catch up with her. Teasing, I say: “Ready to feel your sexy thighs and calves jiggle and wobble like they rarely, if ever do? How many rounds do you think you can handle? I have ammo for, at least, four rounds.

I start thrusting stronger and faster.


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