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August 20, 2024 11:09 pm  #6411

Re: Movie night

As soon as we enter the store Jarrod finds an outfit he really likes on a mannequin near the front of the store. A mid thigh, athletic skirt (hunter green) and a long sleeve white top that shows the bottom third of my abs. He points to it asking what I think.

"I like it." I reply as Jarrod is already pulling it from the rack a few feet away.

Jarrod then quickly and with a sultry look asks if I'd like to try it on.

"Sure." I say as Jarrod hands me the outfit and we head to the dressing rooms at the back of the store.

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (August 20, 2024 11:10 pm)


August 20, 2024 11:28 pm  #6412

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

We've been spending time at an open martial arts class for toddlers at the local gym we attend. Annabelle seems to really be taking a liking to it. We soon realize after her first class that it is a bit warmer of an environment than November usually calls for so we all opt for shorts come next class.

During Annabelle's sec class I notice out the corner of my eye (I have most of my focus on her) an older kid get out of his seat and begin running all over the place with his hands flying (intentionally or not) hitting several kids and adults alike.

I get my focus completely taken away from Annabelle when I feel someone bump into my thigh. I quickly realize it is the kids father trying to stop him from further hitting anyone else. He profusely apologize to me for his impact while lifting his son from the ground. He then turns and apologizes to the rest of the class for his son's actions before promptly leaving.

"I can't believe you let your thighs jiggle like that. I mean I only caught a side glance at you, but..." William Whispes to me as soon as the action had stopped.

"I didn't even realize. I was more taken aback by what the kid and his father were doing than I was with what my thighs were even doing." I whispered back confessing.

     Thread Starter

August 21, 2024 4:51 pm  #6413

Re: Movie night

As I wait for her to change, I ask: “Would you like me to bring you the flip flops or what kind of shoes do you have in mind?” After she chooses, she comes out…


August 21, 2024 7:01 pm  #6414

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

After the man goes with his wild child in his arms, I whisper in Anna’s ear: "I can't believe you let your thighs jiggle like that. I mean I only caught a side glance at you, but... lucky guy, I’m sure he’ll never feel muscles as sexy as yours, I hope he doesn’t come back for more.” I finis teasing her.

I lean and kiss her lips. As we’re kissing, I give her outer thigh a firm, full of love pat, then shake it briefly.


August 21, 2024 7:54 pm  #6415

Re: Movie night

As I'm changing Jarrod asks me what shoes I'd like to go with the outfit as he wasn't sure I'd like the ones on the display.

"How about a nice pair of flats?" I ask waiting for them before coming out of the dressing room.

I wait patiently wondering what Jarrod will return with.

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August 21, 2024 8:17 pm  #6416

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

William continues talking this time teasing me just a bit saying that guy was lucky he got to feel my muscles because he'll never again feel muscles as sexy as mine only hoping he doesn't try to come back for another feel.

I am then taken aback when I see William lean in and feel him kiss my lips while giving my outer thigh a pat and a brief shake. As soon as we part I feel my face flushing hot.

"Remember, we are still at Annabelle's class." I begin whispering in his ear hoping he can control himself until we get home. "I wouldn't mind continuing this at home later though, if you're interested." I finish still whispering.

     Thread Starter

August 23, 2024 7:26 am  #6417

Re: Movie night

Billie's POV

Me and Gemma looked after Chloe for two weeks. We showed her the sites of Boston and she had a wonderful time. However it was soon time for her to go back home

'Thank you for looking after me' she told us both, giving us a hug as tears ran down her cheeks.

Me and my partner returned our hugs, tears streaming down our faces.

'Come and see us anytime' Gemma told her, stifling a sob

'I will' Chloe assured us. She wiped away her tears and went through the gate. Me and Gemma wiped our tears and decided to have a coffee before we set off

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

August 23, 2024 7:45 am  #6418

Re: Movie night

Kate's POV

My heart was full of happiness when I returned to Tooting for my final semester. Rachel had proposed on New Year's Day and I felt like the luckiest girl in the world.

Caitlin and Robyn were still waiting until my sister had graduated before they officially announced theirs, but they were both going to see if we could have a joint wedding in the summer.

Beth was so happy for me, and tears ran down her cheeks as she gave me a hug. Her tears continued as she described her Christmas with Marie and her family and her boyfriend Stephane.

'We even built a snowman on Christmas Day' she described, wiping another tear. It took a few minutes for her tears to stop. Her parents hadn't been exactly happy that she had gone. What was their actual problem? It's true I had never met Marie, but I knew how much Robyn cared for her and Rachel liked her too

Me and Beth decided to talk about something else. The Thirteen Problems had been such as success for Netfiix they were now shooting Miss Marple's Final Cases. Leonora was in this series too as Jane Helier but only in one episode, a fact her fans didn't like

'I'm not worrying about her anymore' I said to Beth as I fondled one of my booted legs. 'She can do whatever she wants'

Last edited by reptongeek (August 23, 2024 7:20 pm)

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

August 25, 2024 1:11 am  #6419

Re: Movie night

I quickly go and look for a nice pair of flats for Camilla, more than eager to see her sexy thighs and calves wobble just for me when she comes out.

As I walk through the shoes department, and I’m quite bad with shoes, I find what I consider a cute and comfortable pair of flats, which I quickly bring to Camilla…


August 25, 2024 1:15 am  #6420

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

I put my attention in my hand trying to feel if Anna will allow her outer thigh to jiggle in my hand…

As we break the moment, I notice Anna flushing and telling me to remember we are still in Annabelle’s class. I reply: “A stranger just jiggled your sexy thigh and you don’t react, yet, I show you my love and desire to you and you blush? The gesture is more or less the same, just the intention is the difference.”

I keep my hand on her outer thigh, returning to my original position adjacent to her.


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