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September 5, 2024 2:38 am  #6461

Re: Movie night

After the girl stands up and apologizes for the incident, I feel Camilla’s outer thigh wobble in response to the impact of my hand on her sexy leg. I keep my hand on her silky skin, riding the sensual waves of her wobbling muscles, then stand up and, turning back to the girl, I ask if she’s ok, she nods at me with a smile and continues her way.

I turn to Camilla and ask: “Where were we before I got distracted by the sight of your sexy thigh jiggling? You know, remember when I asked you to reserve your sexy jiggles just for me, but now, seeing your firm muscles in action, it’s such a turn on, I don’t know what to think.”


September 5, 2024 2:55 am  #6462

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

After the class, the instructor tells us (all the parents) that if she liked the class, as soon as she’s four she can start formal training and, besides being a sport, it’s also a self defense system that can give her tools in case needed, plus discipline and a fitness lifestyle.”

I thank the instructor and tell him my wife and I will see how she feels with the remaining classes and, if she feels good, we’ll take his word.


September 5, 2024 8:39 pm  #6463

Re: Movie night

As soon as the girl apologies and leaves Jarrod turns to me and asks where we were before he got distracted by my thigh jiggle. He then surprises me when he adds that he hoped I remembered when he asked me to save my thigh jiggles for him only, but that now actually seeing my muscles in action, it was such a turn on he's not sure.

"Does that mean you've changed your views on my thigh jiggles? That you like seeing them jiggle by the force of someone else more than you thought?" I giggle teasing him just a bit.

     Thread Starter

September 5, 2024 8:44 pm  #6464

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

After the class the instructor tells all the parents that if their kids liked the class they can start formal training when they turn four. We decide to think about it as Annabelle finishes her remaining classes. William then takes Annabelle's left hand hand in his right any my right hand in his left and we begin our walk towards the door.

I take a deep breath and decide to try to go outside of my comfort zone and allow my legs to naturally jiggle on our way out. It takes all my willpower not to flex, but as soon as we get to the door I stop and turn to face William to see what he'll say (if anything).

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (September 5, 2024 8:44 pm)

     Thread Starter

September 6, 2024 3:56 am  #6465

Re: Movie night

Robyn's POV

I felt guilty leaving Caitlin with her studies while I went to NY, but she told me not to be silly and enjoy my time with my best friends

I travelled into London and took a taxi to Paddington station where Marie was waiting on the Elizabeth Line platform.

We gave each other a big hug, tears running down our cheeks.

'It's been far too long' I apologised, a stray tear escaping from my left eye and falling down my cheek

We got on our train to Heathrow Terminal 5. We wanted to talk shop, but decided to wait until we met Susan

After a long seven hour flight we had arrived, and after grabbing our bags we met her in the arrivals area. Tears were streaming down her face as she greeted us.

When we had wiped our tears, we took a taxi to our Air BnB, which to me and Marie's delight was our old home from when we were at College

'Just like old times' Marie said happily, as tears ran down her cheeks.

We crashed on the sofa as Susan made us some dinner

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

September 6, 2024 2:55 pm  #6466

Re: Movie night

Enid's POV

Tristan recognised that I hadn't been very pleased when he missed Valentine's Day. So he spoke to Jarrod and he bought me a very nice necklace to make up for it.

I tenderly kissed him on the lips for a few minutes when I opened the box.

'It's perfect' I told him, as a well timed tear slid down my right cheek. Tristan wiped it away for me and kissed me back.

Before long it was soon approaching Easter and the day when Robyn and Marie would be having their special lunch at the shop. Tristan was still tied up in Boston but he was determined to be there

'Just make sure you don't drive all night' I reminded him. 'I want you here in one piece'

On the day of the meal, me and Isabel were working and before we let the customers in we laid up their table and put a reserved sign on it

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

September 6, 2024 3:37 pm  #6467

Re: Movie night

Robyn's POV

The next day, Marie said she had a surprise for me. She explained that today marked five years since our friendship started and she wanted to mark the occasion by returning to Tristan's shop

I felt very touched and got ready to go. I even gave my boots a polish. Enid and a girl I didn't recognise were waiting for us and she sat us down. According to her name badge her name was Isabel. She brought us each a special coffee that Tristan had designed for us. He wasn't there just yet, he had taken an early morning flight from Boston and was driving from the airport in a taxi

We didn't need to order anything as Marie had already sorted that out for us. We were having the same lunch as five years ago, even though the menu had changed since then.

'I wish I'd met you sooner' I told her guiltily. 'Your Dad said you nearly dropped out when I went to see your family at Christmas.'

'That's not your fault, Rob' Marie insisted. 'You can't be held responsible for the fact my roommate was an idiot'

'Even so, I am glad you came into my life when you did' I replied. 'Your friendship meant the world to me.'

Marie's eyes filled with tears and she took me by the hand.

'It meant a lot to me too, especially when you introduced me to Susan. We had fun and we loved each other. I couldn't have asked for better friends. You're like my family now and I'm so proud to have met you'

She wiped her tears and we let the emotion subside. Isabel came across with our club sandwiches and we started to eat.

Tristan finally made it and he immediately came over to greet us. Me and Marie wiped our sticky hands on a couple of napkins and shook his hand. He asked us what we thought of our special coffees. We told him we loved them very much and he was very pleased.

'I've written down the recipe for you' he said. 'I've got one for Susan and Robyn there is one for your partner too'

He went off to get it and the next customer came through the door. She was dressed in black with a big pair of sunglasses on. Her skirt was the shortest I had ever seen in the whole of my life. Accompanying the newcomer were two burly guys who I assumed were her security.

She was tapping on her phone, and was still tapping when she approached the counter.

'May I help you' Isabel replied with a small amount of steel in her voice. Without looking up, the newcomer snapped out her order;

'Pumpkin Latte'

'I beg your pardon' Isabel responded quietly. The girl finally looked up from her phone and snapped;

'I don't have to drink here you know. If your either hard of hearing or stupid I can go somewhere else'

'That's a brilliant idea' Isabel told her going straight for the jugular 'The door is just behind you'

The girl flipped out and shouted

'Do you know who I am???'

Isabel was completely unmoved and told her that no she didn't but even if she did, she would still expect her to deliver her requests respectfully

'Get out' she finished. The girl swept out of the shop with her bodyguards. Tristan who had heard most of the exchange approached our table with our coffee recipes, trying not to grin with immense satisfaction. He surrendered to the inevitable when a customer behind us whispered;

'That was excellent!!'

After thanking Tristan for our recipes, Marie said to me

'Was she some kind of film actress or something'

'Technically yes' I replied. 'She was in the Netflix series, The Thirteen Problems playing Jane Helier. She wasn't very good though. If that little scene has anything to go by, she won't be acting for much longer'

Marie giggled and Enid took our plates away and soon returned with our Chocolate Orange roulade with Raspberry Coulis

Last edited by reptongeek (September 6, 2024 4:28 pm)

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

September 8, 2024 1:27 pm  #6468

Re: Movie night

Hearing Camilla’s questions I try to answer them one by one: “Well, actually, since your thighs changed a bit, I have come to love the change, you know? I found out I have been quite jealous and possessive but, I can’t deny your thighs look extremely sexy when they jiggle, regardless of what caused them to jiggle, so, I think: Who am I to deny a little indulgence of the feeling of my sensual wife’s thighs, knowing that, at the end of the day, only I get to become one with you and your love is for me and I can feel them jiggle whenever I feel like.”

I give her outer thigh a soft pat to reaffirm what I just said.


September 8, 2024 1:37 pm  #6469

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

As we exit the gym with Annabelle by my hand, I notice Anna gives me her sexy jiggles allowing her muscles to respond naturally to each step instead of flexing them like she used to. She turns to look at me, knowing what she expects, I crash my lips on her lips, reaching for her outer thigh and lifting it so I have access to caress more of her sensual thigh (hoping to feel an extremely sensual jiggle).

When we break the kiss, I look into her eyes: “Thank you my love, for helping me keep my eyes on your sexy thighs and not giving chance to temptation. I promise to love you every single day of my life and, if you keep giving me this sexy walk, I promise to make love to you every time my heart beats, just for you.”


September 8, 2024 1:50 pm  #6470

Re: Movie night

Tristan’s POV:

With the picture in my mind of Enid’s beautiful tear in my fingers as I drive 140 mph to reach home quickly, I already miss my wife, plus, Robyn and Marie will have their special event and I can’t miss it. I hope to get to wipe, or even kiss, tears from Robyn’s cheeks.

I sigh as I arrive just in time to check the final details minutes before Robyn arrives.


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