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September 8, 2024 3:37 pm  #6471

Re: Movie night

Jarrod carefully and thoughtfully answers my questions explaining how much he loves the changes in my thighs and has realized he has been a bit jealous and possessive  over them. He admits now he is starting to see that my thigh jiggle is extremely sexy no matter who or what caused it. He realizes that at the end of the day he is the only one who gets to become one with me, feel my legs jiggle and gets all my love. I then feel him give my outer thigh a soft pat.

"Of course you're the only one that gets to become one with me, feel my legs jiggle and get all my love. I'm just glad you're finally realizing there is no need to be jealous or possessive. I have never nor would I ever do anything to hurt you. It took me so long to find you I'd never do anything  that could possibly lead to me losing you." I replied feeling tears of overwhelming love beginning to fill my eyes.

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (September 8, 2024 3:38 pm)


September 8, 2024 3:58 pm  #6472

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

As soon as I turn around to look at William I feel his lips on mine. As we kiss deeply I feel him lift my outer thigh giving him ample access to caress as he wishes.

As William and I finally break our kiss, his hand now caressing my thigh sensually as he also looks deeply into my eyes, I hear him thank me for helping him keep his eyes on my thighs and not look around. He then promises to love me every sec of my life as long as I keep giving him my thigh jiggles as I walk. That he'll make love to me every time his heart beats.

I take William's words in thinking for a min. Something in my heart doesn't feel right. Without warning words start to spill out of my mouth.

"So what if I continued to refuse to let my thighs jiggle? Would you feel tempted to look at (or do other things with) another woman? You'll only love me every single day here forward if I continue to give you my thigh jiggles as I walk? What if I said I'd only love you if you did something for me that made you feel uncomfortable? I love when you do allow yourself to do things I love even if you're a bit uncomfortable, but its not the end if you don't/can't. I'll still love you and stay loyal to you."

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September 8, 2024 4:38 pm  #6473

Re: Movie night

Robyn's POV

'Can you still remember the song?' Marie asked me. I replied I did and we sang a verse of 99 Red Balloons in French

Sadly the pub where we had played Air Hockey no longer had their machine, but we were able to have a stroll through our old College grounds

When Marie reached the crossroads, her eyes filled with tears again

'This is where we parted that night' she said, as they ran down her cheeks. 'I was so happy I'd found a friend. You never broke your promise to me that day and I'll be forever grateful'

'So will I' I replied, tears running down my cheeks too as I gave her a hug. We wiped our tears and returned to the street taking a taxi to Coney Island station to watch the sunset with Susan

Poppy, her boyfriend Amit and Jen were there as well. The girls fell on us both, tears streaming down their faces.

We took a bench and had our tea and a cupcake as we watched the trains for a bit. Before we went outside to watch the sunset, Jen took a picture of the group, as a few more tears ran down her cheeks.

Her partner Claire arrived just in time and we went out to see the sunset together. It was so beautiful watching the sun dip over the Amusement Park. It was so beautiful Claire had tears streaming down her face

After we had an emotional goodbye with Poppy and Jen, we returned home. Tomorrow we would be going to Susan's in New Jersey and I was so looking forward to it.

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

September 8, 2024 7:59 pm  #6474

Re: Movie night

Hearing Camilla’s words and her beautiful eyes slowly filling with tears, I lovingly cup her cheeks and give her a deep, full of love and passion, kiss as I slowly move my fingers to catch any tears in case they roll down her cheeks.


September 8, 2024 10:10 pm  #6475

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

I am taken aback as I hear Anna’s questioning doubts. I try to reply one by one, hoping to remember and address all: “You know I have made a decision, I am doing all in my hands to make you the happiest woman in the world, but at the same time, I am fighting to be the best version of myself, knowing I have flaws and tendencies. You know the attraction alcohol has on me, and I’ve been victorious for over a year, but that doesn’t mean I don’t see a glass of wine and feel the desire to drink. Same with attractive women, every time one crosses, I always think of you and focus my mind on you so I don’t feel the temptation to flirt my way, I know temptation will remain, the priest told me in confession, what I have to do is try to stay away and if it’s inevitable, try to use my resources to keep from falling.” I stay silent for a moment, pushing tears back, then continue: “and the most powerful resources is my best memories of seeing you in your most attractive moments, especially recent ones.”

I guide Anna gently to a less crowded area: “My love is not conditioned, but there are factors that make my way in becoming the perfect husband easier and other harder. My love for you will not change regardless of what you do. I don’t want you to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, I’m just sharing what I find most attractive about you, and I am willing to go out of my comfort zone as well, just for you.”


September 8, 2024 10:17 pm  #6476

Re: Movie night

Tristan’s POV:

As soon as I arrive, I make sure all the ingredients and recipes are there. As I see the girls entering, I personally calibrate the espresso machine and prepare their drinks. As soon as I have them ready, I call Enid to bring the pastries as I bring the drinks.

When she reaches me, I lean and give her a quick kiss on her lips: “If you’re up to it, I would love to make love to you tonight in a way we’ll never forget.”


September 9, 2024 6:44 pm  #6477

Re: Movie night

Emily's POV

'Izzy, you're my hero' I told her wiping my tears that had run down my cheeks.

Hearing the story of how she had essentially thrown someone out of the shop for being a diva was so funny!

So funny in fact that it had made me cry.

We finished getting ready and went put onto the floor. Mirabelle was with us today as Enid was having a day off. I loved working with her and was so happy to see her back.

At lunchtime a beautiful girl wearing glasses came into the shop. She had short black hair in a ponytail and a web  like scar on her left cheek. Despite her facial disfigurement she was gorgeous.

She asked Mirabelle at one point, if she knew where Enid was. Mirabelle told her she was upstairs and invited her up.

Isabel had clearly seen how entranced I was by the newcomer, as when we changed into our clothes to go home, she warned me not to fall into my old ways.

'You and your partner are a wonderful couple' she told me, as tears ran down her cheeks. 'And so are me and Ally. You warned me not to cheat on her with Evadne. As much as it hurt me I didn't. So I didn't ruin my relationship with my girlfriend. I'm asking you as my best friend, please don't cheat on your partner'

I nodded as a tear streamed down my face. I wiped it away and promised I wouldn't

Last edited by reptongeek (September 9, 2024 8:23 pm)

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

September 9, 2024 8:37 pm  #6478

Re: Movie night

Barely getting the last of my words out I feel Jarrod cup my cheeks as he simultaneously gives me a deep passionate kiss on my lips. As I feel an even more overwhelming sense of love I notice a couple of the tears in my eyes were starting to leave my eyes, only to stay hanging in my lashes. Without hesitation I decide to help them fall so I quickly blink my eyes a couple times.

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September 9, 2024 8:48 pm  #6479

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

William thoughtfully answers all of my questions and concerns one by one saying that he'll never stop looking at other women and finding them attractive but will do all in his hands to focus his mind on me so he's not tempted to flirt. It's then I see him begin fighting to regain his composure before he finishes speaking.

William quickly guides me and Annabelle to a less crowded area before finishing. He tells me although his love is not conditioned, he will love me unconditionally no matter what it's just that some ways are easier for him and some harder. Reminding me that he has been trying to allow himself to go outside of his comfort zone just for me.

With that I see William take a shaky breath before allowing a single tear to escape his right eye and begin it's way down his cheek. I nearly forget about being mad at him and quickly use the pad of my left hand to delicately wipe his tear away as it had stopped mid cheek.

That's when I finally felt my heart melt and my eyes also begin to fill with tears of their own (this time tears of love and caring not anger like before).

     Thread Starter

September 11, 2024 1:07 am  #6480

Re: Movie night

I feel a pair of hot tears land on my fingers, I smile and deepen the kiss. I feel butterflies in my guts as I feel more hot tears land on my fingers and thumbs.

Breaking the kiss, I softly say: “I love you with all my heart, don’t refrain from releasing everything, I will take care of all your precious tears.” I lean and kiss a few tears off her cheeks, kissing her thick streaks as well.

I feel a strong urge to conceive a beautiful baby, preferably girl, inside of her.

I caress her sexy thigh, feeling it jiggle in an extremely sensual way.


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