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September 11, 2024 1:11 am  #6481

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Seeing Anna’s eyes filling with tears, I get worried: “Did I do anything wrong, my queen? I only want to be the happiest man making my beautiful wife the happiest woman in the world, as a matter of fact, I would love to have a beautiful baby boy with you.”


September 11, 2024 7:36 am  #6482

Re: Movie night

Enid's POV

After Tristan had served the girls, he whispered to me that he would like to make love to me. I heartily agreed as I was feeling a little guilty that I hadn't on Valentine’s Day.

I took a free table to have some lunch of my own, as a young woman dressed all in black wearing a very short skirt and glasses came in through the front door, followed by two other people

Who were they I wondered to myself. Your entourage.

She was tapping on her mobile and snippily ordered a Pumpkin Latte off Isabel, who quite rightly wanted the newcomer to be a bit more polite. The girl yelled at her and called her stupid, so Isabel threw her out.

Robyn and Marie giggled as she left, as well they might. I mean who the heck did she think she was anyway.

The rest of the day passed without incident and Tristan and I had our love making session that night, and it was beautiful, so sensual and passionate.

The next day I had an unexpected visitor. Seraphina from the cruise came to see me. I greeted her warmly as I she came through the door of the flat.

'I'm so glad' she said. Her voice began to crack and tears began to stream down her face. 'I didn't show my best self when I first met you and I'm so sorry'

I gave her a hug as she sobbed. She pulled herself together and we sat together on the sofa. She cleaned her glasses and her wiped her tears, and we talked about how she was doing.

'Isolde and Evadne told me about your shop' she explained. 'They told me to come and see you, they said I'd enjoy it'

'What happened with your Dad' I asked carefully. Tears streamed down Seraphina's face again.

'He got a demotion to First Officer and transferred to another ship.' she told me, wiping her tears again. 'Now I don't have to worry about him, I'm a much nicer person'

'I'm sure you are' I told her tenderly. Her eyes filled with tears again, but she wiped them before they fell.

'Look at me, I'm such a mess' she giggled in spite of herself. 'I'm not a crier normally, must be Isolde's influence on me. Did she tell you we were dating?'

'No she didn't' I replied. I took her hand and gave it a squeeze. 'I hope you're happy together'

Another tear escaped from Seraphina's right eye and she cursed again. She wiped it away and said she'd better have some lunch before she flooded my flat with her tears. I gave her a hug goodbye and we parted

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

September 11, 2024 9:15 pm  #6483

Re: Movie night

As I continue to allow my tears to flow freely I feel Jarrod deepen our kiss. As soon as we break our kiss I hear him softly express how much he loves me, and that I shouldn't refrain from releasing everything as he will lovingly take care of all of my tears. I then saw him lean in and felt him kiss a few of my tears as well as their streaks off my cheeks.

"I can't think of any better way to express my newly overwhelming feelings of love for you than to give you all my unchecked tears just for you." I say as I see a smile forming on his face. Just then I feel him caress my thigh making it jiggle unchecked just for him.

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September 11, 2024 9:26 pm  #6484

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

I guess seeing my tears worried William as he quickly asked if anything was wrong, if he had upset me again. Adding that he only wants to make me the happiest woman in the world and even have another kid with me.

"No, nothing's wrong." I begin feeling a single tear begin it's way down my left cheek. "I'm just so in love with you now that I really think and realize all the times you have allowed yourself to come out of your comfort zone just for me." I finish getting myself just a bit more choked up.

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September 12, 2024 12:20 am  #6485

Re: Movie night

Tristan’s POV:

I prepare Robin’s and her friend’s special beverages with utmost care and dedication, focusing on the precision and inevitably infusing the secret ingredient called love. I take them personally to the table, Robin…


September 12, 2024 12:44 am  #6486

Re: Movie night

Hearing Camilla’s words, I reply: “You have no idea how much I value your precious unchecked tears, especially in this public setting, allowing me to kiss your huge unchecked tears and thick streaks is an honor for me.” I stay silent for a moment, processing the gift my beloved wife is giving me, then continue: “Also, allowing your sexy thighs to jiggle unrestrained, here, in public, is, besides feeling an overwhelming love, I have to admit it also turns me on, a lot. So, shall we choose outfit for me or can we make a pit stop (like in F1 racing) and make love?”


September 12, 2024 1:06 am  #6487

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

“I don’t want to make you suffer or feel bad, and I don’t count the times I, with all my love, go out of my comfort zone, showing my utmost love for you, but I appreciate any gesture you give me, and, if you feel uncomfortable, I can wait to get home to show my love for you.”

I lean and kiss her large tear, kissing her thick streak afterwards, wiping the remnants of the streak with the back of my fingers, waiting to see if more tears fall (especially in this public setting).


September 12, 2024 7:05 am  #6488

Re: Movie night

Amans lacrimae wrote:

Tristan’s POV:

I prepare Robin’s and her friend’s special beverages with utmost care and dedication, focusing on the precision and inevitably infusing the secret ingredient called love. I take them personally to the table, Robin…

Robyn's POV

Tears ran down my cheeks as I surveyed the view from Susan's balcony. It was so beautiful. My sister had also cried at the amazing sight, and had warned me that I might too.

I wiped my tears and looked down at the coffee recipe in my hand. I was going to try it out for myself, as Susan's parents had their own espresso machine

My mind floated back to that day in the coffee shop. Tristan had been very pleased me and Marie had liked our coffees. We'd told them they were perfect and he gave us both the recipes for them. Susan also had one and so did Caitlin. I reflected on my complicated friendship with Tristan. When we both went out with Laura, it had been rather strained. But it was clear when he found Marie for me, that he did care for me a lot and he wanted me to be happy.

Of course, the main attraction of the day was that actress from The Thirteen Problems coming in and being a complete snot to Isabel, who quite rightly threw her out. Me and Marie giggled as she left, it was really funny

Wiping my tears that had fallen down my cheeks, I click clacked my boot heels over to where the girls were having breakfast.

We had missed each other loads and exchanged books to read about our separate lives since college. Marie had tears running down her cheeks, as she read how Susan got her Paralegal job, by helping a French couple get to the subway, so they could visit the Empire State Building.

Edward soon arrived and we gave him a salute, and Susan a hug as tears streamed down her face.

Once he had greeted us, he sat down for breakfast and Marie decided to make him one of Tristan's coffees

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

September 12, 2024 9:06 pm  #6489

Re: Movie night

Jarrod replies just how much he values my tears especially in public and especially when I allow him to kiss my tears and streaks. After a moment of silence he continues explaining that allowing my thighs to jiggle unrestrained in public gives him not only an overwhelming feeling of love it is also a huge turn on for him.. He then asks if I'd still like to choose an outfit for him or if I'd indulge him first in a quick love making session.

"I'd love to still get you an outfit but have no problem indulging you in a love making session first." I begin giving him a teasing look. "I have a crazy idea. What do you think about making love in the dressing room of whatever store we decide to look for your outfit?" I ask surprising myself (being so bold).

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September 12, 2024 9:19 pm  #6490

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

William responds explaining that he never meant to make me feel bad or uncomfortable, although he tries to go out of his way to go out of his comfort zone to show just how much he loves me, but he'll appreciate any gesture do feel comfortable giving him; and how much he can't wait for us to get home so he can show me all his love.

I then feel William kiss the large tear as well as it's thick streak, wiping whatever remained of the streak with the backs of his fingers.

In my heart I was kind of feeling bad that as much as William was trying to come out of his comfort zone, I was doing everything in my power to refuse to even entertain the idea myself. With that I felt more tears begin to fill my eyes. That's when I quickly took his left hand in mine (leaving his right hand on my cheek) and placed it on my left thigh letting him feel it jiggle unrestrained as I finally began to silently sob.

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