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September 16, 2024 9:03 pm  #6511

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

William turns to look at me as he remarks how lucky Annabelle is that she got to feel the most beautiful and sensual thighs jiggling in her hands; and how much he couldn't wait to feel them too. He then agrees to my suggestion of heading home only hoping no-one will complain about his tent as we make our way to the car. I then see him blush as a smile begins to form on his face as he suggests I take care of it before we reach home.

"Unfortunately, Annabelle seems so restless I almost guarantee she'd create unwanted attention if we were to sneak off and " fix your problem" before we reach home." I say with a sigh starting to get a bit "excited" myself and needing to be taken care of.


September 18, 2024 12:25 am  #6512

Re: Movie night

Tristan’s POV:

As Enid explains why Robyn didn’t come again, I reply: “Guess that’s ok (I say not trying to sound too harsh), I also have to go back to Massachusetts to check on the coffee bar, I would love if you came with me.”


September 18, 2024 12:29 am  #6513

Re: Movie night

Hearing Camilla teasing me, I reply: “I wouldn’t mind, as a matter of fact, I would love to compensate for the outfit you got making love two rounds, I am not responsible if the cameras catch your sexy thighs jiggling out of control in my hands as you give me the ride of my life, or if beautiful and precious tears of utmost love and sheer happiness draw breathtaking streaks on your cheeks, all for me to kiss and wipe, as well as ride the sexy jiggle of your worked out muscles in my hands.”


September 18, 2024 12:31 am  #6514

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Seeing Anna teasing me at the same time she’s also getting turned on, I reply: “I guess our beautiful daughter is keeping us from conceiving a brother for her, I guess it has it’s good side though, as I’m more than sure that when we reach home, we’ll be both more turned on than we are right now.”


September 18, 2024 1:50 pm  #6515

Re: Movie night

Robyn's POV

After four too very short days, it was time for me and Marie to fly back to Europe.

We had all had a wonderful time, drinking in the scenery and playing our board games on the terrace

Edward said goodbye to us first, then Susan gave us both a long hug, tears streaming down her face.

'You should consider coming here for your honeymoon' she told me

'I will' I promised as tears ran down my cheeks. Me and Marie got on the train to take us to JFK airport. As usual she was flying to Paris, while I was flying back to Heathrow.

We parted after we passed through security, tears running down our cheeks as we hugged. I travelled to my gate, sad to be split once again from my found family, but glad to be going home to Caitlin

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

September 18, 2024 2:02 pm  #6516

Re: Movie night

Caitlin's POV

A tear streamed down the left side of my face, as I read Robyn's latest text. She was safely on her plane, and travelling to Heathrow

I wiped my tear and continued my journey  to the coffee shop where I would be meeting Kate, Beth and the rest of the sixth form college cast of The Spider In The Web to celebrate Evie's win at the Olivier's

A small group was already there. Me and my sister shared a hug, tears running down our cheeks. Evie had brought her stepbrother along as well and we all greeted him warmly

'Jaguar Master' Angelica greeted when she came in, giving him a reverential bow.

'I'm not a Jaguar!' Theo grinned at her, surprised but very pleased.

Evie passed round her phone, which had a picture of her award. It was so surreal seeing it in person. Even more surreal when we remembered the Deputy Head at the time turned it down because 'it wasn't exactly great literature'

We ordered our milkshakes and passed a very happy couple of hours reminiscing about that original performance and its West End counterpart. Finally I said goodbye as I was journeying to Heathrow to meet Robyn

Last edited by reptongeek (September 18, 2024 3:37 pm)

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

September 18, 2024 2:08 pm  #6517

Re: Movie night

Enid's POV

Tristan wanted me to come and visit the Boston outlet to see how things were progressing

I said I would, but I needed to check with Mirabelle if it would be okay, as I would have to ask her if she wouldn't mind working four days straight as opposed to just the two.

She agreed and I arranged with Tristan that I would go the following week. Mirabelle said she would ask Jen about trains

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

September 18, 2024 9:19 pm  #6518

Re: Movie night

Upon hearing my request Jarrod replies that he wouldn't mind, even compensate by making love two rounds. He continues as he starts teasing saying he wouldn't be responsible if the cameras catch my thigh jiggling as I ride him; or if tears of love and happiness roll down my cheeks.

Without a word I take Jarrod's hand and and quickly lead him into a dressing room not far from us. As soon as the door is shut I ask him if he'd prefer I strip him and dress him first or if he'd prefer to strip me and help me dress.. I can barely contain my excitement as I wait for his reply.

     Thread Starter

September 18, 2024 9:29 pm  #6519

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

William then replies a bit disappointed that he thinks Annabelle is keeping us from conceiving a sibling for her, but that it (us waiting until we get home) still has it's advantages as we will be much more turned on by the time we reach home.

William, Annabelle and I all quickly walk back to the car. I get in the passengers seat while William gets Annabelle seated in the back. He then quickly gets in the drivers seat. I quickly place my left hand on his right thigh even before he turns on the engine.I then slowly and teasingly slide my hand and bump my into his tent making his thigh begin to jiggle a bit seemingly beyond his control.

     Thread Starter

September 19, 2024 8:03 pm  #6520

Re: Movie night

I smile as I reply: “Let’s allow our instincts do their job, as long as we get to feel all the love we have for each other that’s more than I could ever imagine.”


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