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September 19, 2024 8:05 pm  #6521

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Feeling Anna making my thigh jiggle, I firmly drop my right hand on her left inner thigh, even shaking it: “So you mind if I get to feel the sexiest jiggle in the world?” I continue driving straight home, I can’t wait to have Anna in bed.


September 19, 2024 9:19 pm  #6522

Re: Movie night

Jarrod smiles as he quickly replies that he thinks we should just let our instincts do their job. All he wants is for us to feel all the love we have for each other.

With that I give Jarrod a big full of love smile as I could feel my instincts "doing their job." I quickly begin to strip him out of his shirt, then his pants. I couldn't wait to see if he was going to return the favor.

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September 19, 2024 9:30 pm  #6523

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

Almost instantly I feel William begin teasing me back as I feel him drop his right hand on my left inner thigh making it shake in his hand before grasping it a bit and giving it an even firmer shake. I gasp a bit as he asks if I'd mind if he gets to feel the sexiest jiggle in the world.

I giggle a bit as I continue to bump my hand into William's tent again this time not stopping and running my hand lightly up the length and back down (through the fabric of his shorts).

     Thread Starter

September 20, 2024 4:08 am  #6524

Re: Movie night

Billie's POV

Gemma took me by the hand and played with my fingers

'I'm sorry we haven't done our Valentine’s trip this year.' she said, tears streaming down her face. 'We'll do it next year I promise'

Tears began streaming down my face too. We were celebrating the special day, but at a restaurant in Boston. Chloe was on our minds, as she had got married a year earlier

'It's fine, I perfectly understand. I didn't fancy going all out this year, either'

Another tear streamed out of Gemma's left eye, knocking her previous tear off her cheek and onto her jumper.

We stopped playing with our fingers for a moment to wipe our tears. Once we had cleaned up, just in time our food arrived so we tucked in

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

September 22, 2024 12:09 pm  #6525

Re: Movie night

As soon as Camilla undresses me, I return the favor, indulging in her abs, breasts, thighs and calves in the process, making her body tremble in anticipation.

I tease staying in each spot longer than needed, making sure to turn her on even more.


September 22, 2024 12:14 pm  #6526

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

As Anna runs her hand as if driving a manual transmission, I return the favor sliding my hand up her thigh, gently shaking and squeezing her upper thigh and inner thigh, reaching her inner parts, stimulating as if I was about to become one with her.


September 22, 2024 1:41 pm  #6527

Re: Movie night

Tristan’s POV:

The following week, I bring Enid to get to know Boston’s first branch of our coffee shop. As soon as we arrive I buy her a set of pajamas, making sure she sleeps as best as possible, her calories spent after making love in the way only she knows how to, leaving me spent but at the same time eager for more.

I introduce her to the people working there, and I ask Enid to help me choose who of the staff was better to be the responsible of the branch, making sure it works properly.


September 22, 2024 5:10 pm  #6528

Re: Movie night

Barely having finished removing Jarrod's clothes I feel him quickly return the favor. He starts off slower than I anticipated removing my shirt first, lifting it over my head then removing my bra indulging in my breasts then sliding his hands to my abs. After slowly running his hands over then for a moment, making my breathing increase I feel him continue downward to slowly indulge me as he removes my pants then runs his hands down to my thighs and calves making them tremble in anticipation.

I can feel myself becoming increasingly wet as William teases me just a bit more by sliding his hands back up from my calves to my thighs, and and finally breasts. As he reaches my breasts I can't help but let out a shudder as I feel a surge of extacy run the length of my spine making me nearly wet myself.

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (September 22, 2024 5:12 pm)

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September 22, 2024 5:16 pm  #6529

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

With my hands still sliding up and down William's member I let out a gasp as I feel him begin sliding his hand up my thigh, gently shaking and squeezing my upper and inner thigh before slowly reaching between my legs. I instantly let out a gasp as I feel him starting to stimulate me.

As William's motions begin to get stronger I feel a moan about to escape. Upon seeing Annabelle still awake through the rear view mirror I quickly bite my hand to try to stifle any sound that tries to escape.

     Thread Starter

September 23, 2024 4:08 am  #6530

Re: Movie night

Enid's POV

I rubbed my tired eyes as my train got into Boston. I had hoped for a bit of a nap before I met Tristan. However my husband needed me at the school

When I descended onto the platform, I checked my information as to where I needed to go. However I got lost immediately and started going round in circles.

I hated getting lost, and as the minutes past I got more frustrated. Luckily a young woman about my age hailed me and asked me where I wanted to go

She was very pretty with thick raven hair tied back from her face, and what I hoped was knee high boots under her jeans. Initially I was worried about asking her, as her eyes were full of tears. Nevertheless at a loss at what to do I accepted.

My companion led me through the station dabbing her eyes as she walked. She seemed an expert at negotiating the labyrinthine station, and before long we were at the bus stop.

'Take the next bus that comes' she told me, as a tear escaped down her left cheek. Embarrassed she wiped it away. 'All three buses from here go past the school'

I thanked her and she left me to it, her boot heels click clacking on the concrete.

I managed to get to the school okay. Tristan was excited to see me and took me round, showing me the completed outlet. It looked amazing I will confess.

By the time we had both returned to our hotel, I was shattered. Somehow I found enough energy to make love to Tristan, which I needed to be fair

The next day we continued interviewing staff for the new coffee shop. By the end of the day we had managed to decide on the team. This would allow me one day of rest before I travelled back to NY

Tristan did want to me to stay a bit longer, but I politely refused.

'I promised Mirabelle it will only be four days' I told him firmly. 'I need to be back at the shop to work Friday'

On the Thursday, Tristan said goodbye to me as I took my taxi back to the train station. I hoped I would find my platform okay, as it was too much to hope that my beautiful guide would be around to help me.

She wasn't but I learned my mistakes from last time, and managed to get my train back to NY with no difficulty at all

Last edited by reptongeek (September 23, 2024 4:48 am)

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

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