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October 3, 2024 8:13 pm  #6541

Re: Movie night

Tristan’s POV:

As Enid leaves, I tell the staff that before we opened for the new semester, I would teach each of them the course they need, the dishwasher, the waitress, the cashier and the barista. He offers them constant training, depending on the needs of the coffee bar and the desires of the staff.


October 3, 2024 8:32 pm  #6542

Re: Movie night

As soon as my hands began jiggling on Jarrod's thighs I could nearly instantly feel his body relax and release, filling me up strong.

I start riding Jarrod even stronger and faster than before inducing another warm release as he fills me up yet again. I let out a louder than expected moan when I feel his hands begin to  roam between my thighs and calves. I can't help but quickly return his gesture as I finally reach the point and begin bathing his member (allowing my thighs to continue to jiggle unrestrained).

This was more than I had ever expected. I was suddenly filled with a mixture of emotions, both of love and nervousness (hoping my loud moans wouldn't get us caught).

"That. Was. Amazing!" I pant out happily as I finally start to catch my breath.

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October 3, 2024 8:38 pm  #6543

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

Telling William I am more than happy to reciprocate, I feel him bring his hands quickly back to my inner parts. He starts caressing them harder and faster than before which makes my thighs begin to wobble beyond my control (as if completely on their own).

I try to focus solely on William's pleasure and release, but have a hard time focusing  as his hands are bringing me closer and closer to the point with every caress. I try to divert my attention and energy back to him as I speed up my hand on his member hoping to make him reach the point before I do.

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October 3, 2024 8:47 pm  #6544

Re: Movie night

As I hear her words I reply: “You made me finish twice, I am surprised myself, it seems your sexy thighs are getting better with time.” I cup her cheek as I give her thigh a light shake with my other hand.


October 3, 2024 8:50 pm  #6545

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Feeling Anna’s thighs jiggle and wobble strong and her hand stimulating my tent, I hold back a bit more and make sure to stimulate her more intense, hoping to reach at the same time, hopefully strong enough to earn happy tears from her beautiful eyes.


October 4, 2024 2:20 am  #6546

Re: Movie night

As we were catching our breath I heard Jarrod admit that I made him finish twice (which surprised him). I then felt him cup my cheek with his right hand as he gave my left thigh a shake with his left hand.

"I'm glad my thighs are such a turn on for you." I begin with a smile. "Are we still on for another round...I mean I still haven't tried on my outfit. Or are you too tired?" I finish asking half excited half genuinely curious.

Last edited by Princess_Lucky1731 (October 4, 2024 2:21 am)

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October 4, 2024 2:26 am  #6547

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

To no avail William fights the urge to release instead stimulating me more intensely.

"So I see you're trying to wait until we reach home." I tease as I continue to focus on him and not on my release. I try to stimulate him even more by removing my hand from his tent and placing it back on his inner thigh this time caressing softly from his inner thigh to outer thigh and then down to his knee and back.

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October 4, 2024 4:04 am  #6548

Re: Movie night

Kate's POV

Tonight was the night. Our graduation performance was upon us.

I got ready in good time, even though I didn't appear until halfway through the final act. I had the smallest part in the play, just three short appearances but that was fine. I didn't mind being a featured or supporting player. The lead role could wait until I had found my feet.

It was this part specifically that made me a little nervous. However Imelda was ready to dispense some wisdom.

'You and your mate Beth, will be fine' she said. 'As long as you don't let fame go to your head, and stay humble and kind you'll have a long and successful career. Maybe not successful in terms of trophies, but you will be great'

I was touched by her generous advice and tears began running down my cheeks.

I thanked her and went down to the stage. Jenna was peaking through the curtain and informed me there was a full house.

'It's been nice to have you in my year' she continued, tears streaming down her face. 'I hope we get the opportunity to work together again'

'I'd like that too' I replied. Jenna wiped her tears and we got ready for curtain up

Last edited by reptongeek (October 4, 2024 4:38 am)

Security will run you down hard
And I will lead them on a merry chase

October 5, 2024 2:39 pm  #6549

Re: Movie night

Hearing Camilla tease me with an outfit, I answer: “I have at least two more rounds, just for you. Allow me to see you model the outfit you brought, let me feel you in it.”


October 5, 2024 2:41 pm  #6550

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

Feeling Anna deliberately caressing my thigh with such intention, I stop holding my release, completely wetting my shorts in a strong release. As I strongly release, I stimulate Anna even stronger than before, not caring anymore about anything, just enjoying her wobbling thighs.


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