Hearing her words, I reply: “Do you forgive me for loving you so much I embarrassed you? Would you like me to ask you next time I feel like wiping or kissing your tears or jiggling your sexy thighs or calves or… showing you my love and desire, just for you, in other ways?”
He suprised me a bit by asking me if I forgave him for embarrassing me; even further asking if next time I'd prefer he ask before he wiped or kissed my tears or jiggled my calves and thighs.
"I appreciate you taking my feelings into account and I honestly do love and appreciate when you show me your love in those ways but until I'm totally used to it maybe asking first would be the way to go." I say a bit quietly secretly doubting my own confidence.
Hearing her I feel a bit taken aback but reply understanding her feelings: “I can’t promise to always ask, as I love you so much I show my love without thinking but I will try to refrain myself from going all the way without your consent, I hope you gain confidence soon, I’ll do all in my hands to help you achieve it.”
He replies respectfully that he can't always promise to ask but he will try his best to refrain from going too far without my consent; and that he'll do all in his power to help me gain my confidence.
"I appreciate that." I begin smiling at him taking his hand and placing it back on my cheek this time with my hand loving placed over his. "I guess there is no better place to start gaining my confidence than right here, right now." I finish as I feel my cheeks beginning to flush again yet this time also mixed with a feeling of overwhelming love too.
Feeling her hand on top of mine as she brings it to her cheeks added to her words makes my heart race: “Are you voluntarily offering me happy tears?” I smile wondering what she meant with the gesture of bringing my hand to her cheek.
I guess his mind was racing because as soon as I placed my hand on top of his he asked if I was voluntarily offering him happy tears.
Before I had a chance to answer I noticed our waitress approaching our table to try to take our order again.
Seeing the waitress arrive, I caress my girlfriend‘a cheek from under her eye to the curvature of her chin, removing my hand and replying to the waitress: “We’re ready.”
Upon our waitresses arrival I feel him begin caressing my cheek from under my eye down to my chin before removing his hand. He then stated we were ready to order. As soon as we ordered our wairess quickly turned toward the kitchen. It seemed like she was very busy.
"So how was that?" He asked curiously after our waitress was out of sight.
"It was definitely a rush. I mean I was a bit nervous at first, but I can't deny just how much I love when you take care of my tears (or just caress my face)." I said smiling more than I had all night.
After finishing our dinner, I order a dessert to share, when the waitress is coming with our dessert, I drop my hand on my girlfriend‘s thigh (hoping to feel it jiggle unrestrained in my hand) as I say: “I hope you enjoy the dessert as much as I’m enjoying you.”
After dinner he decides on dessert. I can feel my heart start beating faster as as soon as he sees the waitress approaching I feel him drop his right hand on my left thigh. I take a deep breath and allow it to jiggle unrestrained as I realized the waitress probably couldn't see anything under the table.
He then leaned over and whispered in my ear that he hoped I would enjoy the "dessert" as much as he was enjoying me.
"Yeah." I whispered back as the waitress finally approached our table.
As he ordered I decided to take my mind off my nerves and just focus on all the love he was trying to convey by reciprocating. I placed my left hand firmly on his right thigh while he was still ordering. (Was he taken off guard? Did he flex his muscles or allow them to be relaxed?)