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February 28, 2025 2:38 pm  #6981

Re: Movie night

Noticing Camilla flushing, I start dressing her making sure to feel her thighs jiggling in my hands the two times I go that way (when I put her underwear and when I put her dress): “Should I worry about your embarrassment or should I feel proud of achieving that joy and pleasure?”

I finish dressing her then quickly dress myself: “I think we should go back with my parents.”


February 28, 2025 2:42 pm  #6982

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

I don’t know what Anna is trying to do, I notice her fully concentrated while I stimulate all her sensitive spots, I feel the tension of almost reaching the peak of mount bliss yet still craving for one intense emotional stimuli (Anna’s tears of joy).


February 28, 2025 8:51 pm  #6983

Re: Movie night

As Jarrod starts helping me dress he asks if he should worry about my embarrassment (of how I just acted during our fun) or feel proud of how he achieved my joy and pleasure.

"I guess I was just so turned on in the moment (that I did things in the ear shot of others that I wouldn't normally do) and didn't realize it until after, but honestly I guess you should be proud. I mean I know I am. I just hope no-one says anything when we return to the other room." I reply as he finishes dressing both myself as well as himself.

As soon as both Jarrod and I are dressed he grabs my hand in his and tells me that he thinks we should go back into the other room.

I agree and we quickly, yet casually leave the room.

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February 28, 2025 8:58 pm  #6984

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

After just a moment I open my eyes, not quite sure if my thoughts were emotional enough to elicit the tears William was looking for or not. That is until I feel a couple warm tears (one from each eye) begin their decent from the outer corners of my eyes and start rolling slowly down my cheeks, both stopping mid cheek almost as if waiting to be taken care of.

     Thread Starter

February 28, 2025 9:04 pm  #6985

Re: Movie night

As Camilla and I go back to the living room I whisper in her ear: “Unless you have a skill I’m not aware of but I remember hearing moans coming from not just you, you know? I guess another couple nearby was enjoying as much as we were.”

A few seconds later we reach my parents and take our seats just where we were before leaving. As soon as Camilla sits I drop my hand on her toned, sexy thigh (hoping to feel her sexy muscles jiggle completely relaxed and unrestrained).


February 28, 2025 10:06 pm  #6986

Re: Movie night

William’s POV:

A few seconds later I notice Anna’s eyes quickly watering and the first pair of tears begin their way down the outer corner of her cheeks (as she’s lying on her back) surprisingly stopping mid cheek level as if desiring to be taken care of. With a strong thrust that jiggles Anna’s sexy thighs and calves against my hands and body, I lean and kiss one tear at the same time I bring my hand to her other tear, slowly kissing the wet trail left behind by it while my hand mirrors the movement with her other tear streak. The feeling of her warm tears on my lips and my fingers pushes me over the edge, feeling an impending and forceful release, so strong I feel the life giving liquid bounce on the other end walls and return.

I hope more tears to slide down Anna’s beautiful cheeks.


March 1, 2025 3:49 pm  #6987

Re: Movie night

As Jarrod and I were walking back to join the others he informs me that he heard moans coming from the other room as well as ours so I shouldn't be so embarrassed. We then reach the other room and nonchalantly take our seats from before.

As soon as Jarrod and I sit I feel him drop his hand firmly in my thigh (not too noticeably but just enough to make it jiggle slightly). All I could think of was that I grateful the kids hadn't woken up from all the "fun" as they both crashed after dinner.

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March 1, 2025 4:02 pm  #6988

Re: Movie night

Anna's pov:

After one more strong thrust that made my thighs and calves jiggle against William's  hands and body I saw him lean in and felt him kiss my left tear and it's streak  while simultaneously wiping my right tear with the pad of his thumb. Almost instantaneously I felt him begin filling me up.

Lost in every sensation I forgot about the reunion in the other room for just a moment as I let the feelings of love and caring overwhelm me and let another pair of tears slip out of my eyes.

     Thread Starter

March 2, 2025 4:39 am  #6989

Re: Movie night

Not long we start a conversation with my parents, my hand caressing Camilla’s toned yet relaxed thigh, William and Anna arrive.


March 2, 2025 5:01 am  #6990

Re: Movie night

Billie's POV

I carefully prepared my partners breakfast tray, tears running down my cheeks.

It was her birthday and for her present this year, I had decided to buy her tickets for the WEC race at Circuit of the Americas. She had become quite a fan of the championship, despite only watching for 18 months.

I wiped my tears and carried it up for her. She loved her present and tears streamed down her face as she gave me a big hug. I tenderly wiped her tears and we passionately kissed.

Not wanting the tea to go cold, we began to eat our breakfast

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And I will lead them on a merry chase

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