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September 8, 2016 7:08 am  #1

Short but intense male observation -- grateful but puzzled!!

I will preface this post by saying that I get very, very few male observations.  Probably averages one every few years and they are usually pretty lame when they do happen.  Like a father-of-the-groom briefly getting a little choked up at a wedding and he isn't even attractive.  That kind of thing. 

Well, I have a male friend (who I don't find attractive, but doesn't matter) who struggles with serious ongoing issues.  Whenever I would see this friend, he would never cry.  He would talk about his issues but there was never so much as a waver in his voice or a sad look in his eyes when he would talk about them -- nothing!  

Anyway, as this is a public forum, I won't go into detail, but we were alone somewhere talking on a particularly hard day for him.  Anyway, things were like normal for a while and we were talking and then BOOM, suddenly the right switch flipped... one minute he was fine and the next minute he crumbled!  His face fell, he looked to the floor, he said a few words in a high pitched, incoherent voice, and then started SOBBING heavily!  It seemed to come so fast!  There was no real build-up as I had always imagined there would be and the subject matter did not seem particularly awful to me of all the things he could have cried about that day (though I can see now why it triggered him).  

So at that point I was sort of shocked and totally silent and thought, OK, this is really happening.  I'm really getting a crying observation.  Wow, he is crying so HARD.  What do I do?  I can't just stand here and watch, it's too awkward not to do something!  So I put my arms around him and squeezed him and we hugged while he continued sobbing.  I'm talking loud, pitchy sobs and gaspy breaths.  Continuously.  It was a full meltdown.   

I think it probably only lasted about a minute from beginning to end, and just as quickly as it had started, it had ended!  He broke the hug, said a few more words in a high pitched voice that were hard to make out, started wiping his eyes, and soon enough, things seemed to go back to normal.  The only tears I saw of his were the ones smeared directly underneath his eyes at the end of the observation.  At no point did I see his eyes fill with tears or tears falling down.  I think it's quite possible he was wiping during our hug.  That would make sense, because otherwise, you'd think there would have been tracks down his cheeks where tears had fallen.  Or maybe they stay in your eyes longer when your eyes are closed and when you open them they're just a big mess underneath your eyes.  I don't know.

Anyway, so after that, we continued to talk and the conversation just sort of moved on like nothing had happened!  That was it!  The shortness of the build-up and wind-down phases was a bit odd for me... maybe this is what a normal meltdown looks like (I wouldn't know... I really have nothing to compare it to!!), but for me, it felt surreal.  Maybe he just needed a release and was comfortable with his own crying and knew how to gather himself together and move on from it.  I don't know.  It almost reminds me of how little children cry like the world is ending and then bounce back quickly when something new suddenly catches their attention.  But not quite that insane, I guess.  I probably just felt a bit ripped off.  I wish I had been able to look at the tears under his eyes a bit longer before he wiped them away. 

I've never held a man who cried that hard before, so it was one for the record books for sure!!!!!  Wow!!!!!

Comforting-wise, all I could think to do was stroke his back and after what I felt was too long a silence, I tried a couple of cliche comforting phrases, but I'll admit, they felt fake and didn't really come easy to me and I felt a bit awkward the whole time it was happening.  I might have done better and gotten more genuinely in the moment had he built up his emotions a bit slower and given me time to catch up to where he was.

This should have been a dream observation for me -- an almost perfect situation and one I have fantasized about for years.  So I am confused and sad wondering why I didn't get more excited about it!!!  Can anyone relate??

I think having a crying fetish interfered somewhat, because while he was busy crying, I was busy thinking about how lucky I was that I was having a crying observation!  I also felt sort of a bit of natural embarrassment for him, as if I were witnessing something that was normally private.  Which is too bad, because I didn't mean to feel awkward.  I obviously am more than OK with guys letting it out and WANT them to cry.  But I instinctively averted my eyes when it first started to happen and felt shy, and sometimes those first few moments before the floodgates open are the best ones!!  I hope that next time I get a male obs I can train myself to not look away even for a moment!!!

So was it what I always thought it would be?  Nope, not at all!!!  I can't believe how unremarkable it seemed at the time, and even now.  I mean, forget being literally turned on (I had told myself that if he did cry I shouldn't allow myself to get turned on), but my heart wasn't even pounding and my knees didn't even get weak!  It's like I was in a movie -- I knew it was a scene I had always wanted to act out in real life.  But I wasn't really "there", I guess.  I wasn't really present.  Maybe because we aren't really that close?  Maybe because I'm just totally weird?  

So in that way, it was disappointing.  I'm just being honest.  Not ungrateful in the least!!!!!  Just honest.  

For all those people out there who would LOVE to hold a crying man (hey, I was one of those and still am!!!!), well, when it happens to you, depending on the circumstances, it might not be the moment you always dreamed about.  I guess there must be more factors at play for me with regard to this fetish than simply holding a crying man.  Who knew!  I will admit, I felt pretty tired and unfocused at the time.  Totally there for him and hoping he would cry at some point, but kept my expectations extremely low (I had to -- had been let down too many times!!!).  I didn't cry with him.  Had I felt more emotional and empathetic, I think it could have gone a lot differently.  

I don't know if that's it, though.  Maybe it's that some of the big elements I love about crying were missing -- like seeing tears pool in vulnerable-looking eyes and roll down the cheeks.  Just thinking about that now is starting to turn me on, so I definitely still have SOME kind of crying fetish!!!  But I thought for me it was mostly about the vulnerability.  Could it be that his vulnerability score went down because he was too willing to cry in front of me?  Would it have been sexier if he had fought a bit harder to hold back the tears or apologized for crying?  Well, in some ways yes, but in some ways no, because I used to have a guy cry on purpose for me many years ago and his willingness to become vulnerable did not hinder my fetishy feelings about his crying... in fact, I was excited before he'd even get started... the anticipation was a turn-on and so were the tears!!!  

So I don't know quite what to make of it.  I guess it doesn't seem exciting enough for what the situation actually was, because on paper, it sounds amazing.  Although... I didn't get into sobbing fantasies until more recent years.  My original fetish included little breathy gasps but not the kind of pitchy sobs where you can instantly tell whether it's a man or a woman crying.  In fact, I used to find those pretty unsettling!  So maybe I much prefer a less intense crying obs.  He sort of went into hysterics for that moment.  Maybe he freaked me out a little.  Aw, it's possible.  Although I can get turned on a bit from thinking about him crying now, after the fact.  But still not to the degree I would have thought.

Well, thanks for letting me think this one out!!  As I said, I am super grateful for the observation, definitely!!!  If anyone has any insights into my situation or similar stories they want to share about fetish let-downs, let me know!  It's nice to have a place to talk about this stuff!

Last edited by Diana (September 8, 2016 8:06 am)


September 8, 2016 2:13 pm  #2

Re: Short but intense male observation -- grateful but puzzled!!

Suddenly bursting into full sobs is amazing. I always get a special thrill and arousal from that. I seek it in women but I think it's more common among men. In women (IMO) there's more build up with teary-ness and sniffing coming first.

Ugly crying is pretty crying

September 9, 2016 8:55 am  #3

Re: Short but intense male observation -- grateful but puzzled!!

TorNorth wrote:

Suddenly bursting into full sobs is amazing. I always get a special thrill and arousal from that. I seek it in women but I think it's more common among men. In women (IMO) there's more build up with teary-ness and sniffing coming first.

Interesting observation, TorNorth.  You might be right.  If so, I wonder why.

     Thread Starter

September 9, 2016 4:45 pm  #4

Re: Short but intense male observation -- grateful but puzzled!!

I've long suspected that men hold back so much on crying that when they finally do break it's because they literally can't hold back any longer - sort of like an emotion explosion.

"We have our stalking memories, and they will demand their rightful tears."

September 10, 2016 5:24 am  #5

Re: Short but intense male observation -- grateful but puzzled!!

Wasn't it also the fact that you don't find the man attractive, that you couldn't enjoy his crying?


September 10, 2016 6:44 am  #6

Re: Short but intense male observation -- grateful but puzzled!!

flatter wrote:

Wasn't it also the fact that you don't find the man attractive, that you couldn't enjoy his crying?

It would have factored into it although I don't think it was the main reason.  Because when I watch crying scenes on the internet, I don't find that the man needs to be attractive to me so much as I'm picky on his "crying style".  If he's a really awesome crier, he instantly can become more attractive to me...  

Bursting into loud, pitchy sobs is not usually a crying style I'm into.  Just did a random search and found some crying clips.  The man in my observation sounded a bit like this:

but I tend to prefer breathy gasps, soft whimpers, and I even prefer when they're still able to speak a bit (though with adorable difficulty).  If they are completely overcome with sobs, they can't even speak. 

In this counter-example, I generally like the way he cries before she dies (other than when he sounds a bit constipated), but after she dies and the scene moves on, it isn't all that long before I stop liking it.  Too intense for me!

Last edited by Diana (September 10, 2016 7:01 am)

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September 10, 2016 2:53 pm  #7

Re: Short but intense male observation -- grateful but puzzled!!

I  agree with you, it's hard to listen to the desperate sobbing of Mcgregor but in a way that makes the scene so special. He showed first he does every thing not to break down crying and in the end he isn't able to hold it together anymore.
On the contrary I like the "silent" crying scene. I still remember a book I read when I was a kid where a silent crying scene is described. Since then I never cried out loud anyone when someone witnessed it.


September 15, 2016 1:10 am  #8

Re: Short but intense male observation -- grateful but puzzled!!

I don't think it's strange that you couldn't really enjoy this observation.  I think you were so shocked and puzzled by it that by the time it was over you were too confused to enjoy it.

" do not cry. They will do anything BUT cry. They stop themselves crying. And eventually they do cry if it is bad enough. So that's how you know with a man how bad it is for him. Because he would've stopped himself...Men always cry like that. They don't cry and in the end they do and if they do then it's overwhelming." ~Michael Caine

September 16, 2016 8:36 am  #9

Re: Short but intense male observation -- grateful but puzzled!!

yellowrose wrote:

I don't think it's strange that you couldn't really enjoy this observation.  I think you were so shocked and puzzled by it that by the time it was over you were too confused to enjoy it.

Well, now that I think about it, I did enjoy an outburst of loud sobs at a funeral once, so I guess it's not like I don't ever like them, but the amount to which I can relax in the moment probably makes a difference.  At the funeral, I was simply an observer watching a good-looking man break down in the arms of another man (didn't even know the guy nor the deceased).  I could relax in that moment - awkward as it was - because the pressure wasn't on for me to do something.  In that sense, it wasn't really awkward at all.  I guess in this case, I asked him what I thought was a rather innocuous question and it just flooded out of him and I felt like I had to react a certain way... had I been able to relate more to what set him off, I might have been able to come up with better things to say and there could have been more of a connection between us, but I just went blank thinking... OMG, I am having a crying observation... yeah, shock I guess... even though I knew he had it in him... I just never knew if I'd get to see it... and never knew it would be that intense if/when I did.  

Last edited by Diana (September 16, 2016 8:39 am)

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September 16, 2016 9:10 pm  #10

Re: Short but intense male observation -- grateful but puzzled!!

I guess i know what you mean, Diana, about not being ''there'' or feeling special about his crying. I believe is all about the anticipation. All it does to me is to intuit or sort of foreshadow a crying moment at one point and with a certain guy. Otherwise i can be taken by surprise and feel odd or trying to fence myself from being in the comforter position because i'm so accustemed to be the one who watches and records... I can only talk in theory though.. Last time i saw a guy crying it happened 10 years ago or so but last year i had this crush, i talked about on the forum, who didn't really cry but teased me badly with the thought that he might because he had serious issues...It was more so his own description of how he looks like when he cries that turned me on. He told me ''it happened only very very seldom and with a powerfull hit to the knocks'' and that redness and sweeling of the eyes. I like that kind of crying,  that feels like a total surrender and yet i think this only happens once in a milion years in a guy and maybe one that is comfortable with sobbing , totally at ease with his emotions... The attraction factor is big on this one ...
I even made a physical portrayal of the kind of man who may be a good, if not a perfect crier....It's just that this particular type of man has some ease about him, some gentleness or a sort of sweetness in gaze that can give off this cue that when he cries, he's totally body and soul, into it.. But i don't stick to this entirely though...
For example there was this scene in Glass managerie where Malkovich briefly cries while talking to Laura ( it's in the video section) where the crying cues are so subtle and candid that can almost go unnoticed for some time untill a tear springs up on the cheek.. If the scene would have been with a break down i'm sure it would have been more like the one with Biff in the Death of a Saleman where Biff's father is revealed as a cheater or  the last one with the total meltdown later on. The last scene is so brief with the tears smeared, only a flush and we hear the pitch  in the voice but overall it's not worth remembering much while the other one is with a build up and we can see Malkovich gradually succumbing to his sobs. There are those details that catch my attention so much that i have the feeling the whole thing/ crying part last an eternity, not just a few minutes. I always imagined the perfect crying moment like that..  both as an observer and as an active agent..That it has to contain a momentum, a tempo of it's own strong enough to suck you in.

Last edited by psychic_girl (September 16, 2016 9:16 pm)

''I like crying. And now I not only wanna cry and show my crying to other people, I wanna just split myself down the middle and open my guts and just throw everything out!''
Woody Harrelson

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