I did some research in hopes of finding the sobbing sequence yellowrose and psychic girl discussed in the crying scene directory. I think this might be it.
The crying starts at about 6:40 in this video, but Jude Law looks emotional whenever he's onscreen.
It's a very impressive scene. I really like his uneven breathing and the way his eyes fill with tears. The sobbing near the end of the clip is on the verge of being too intense for me -- I almost find it difficult to watch -- but I think the sobbing sounds are great and I really admire the rawness and authenticity of his performance.
Last edited by Tristana (April 3, 2017 9:08 pm)
I've come up on a video called studio mnctv menangis mendengar lagu. I don't know what language it is or what's going on, but it has several absolutely killer crying and/or comforting closeups. Somebody needs to post this one, and that ain't no lie!
Last edited by handkerchief (April 4, 2017 2:22 am)
handkerchief wrote:
I've come up on a video called studio mnctv menangis mendengar lagu. I don't know what language it is or what's going on, but it has several absolutely killer crying and/or comforting closeups. Somebody needs to post this one, and that ain't no lie!
I love this video! I think it's in Indonesian. Here's the link:
That "Young Pope" video is amazing. Utterly amazing. I loved the rawness of the sobbing, then again I love raw, unadulterated sobbing. The harder, the better for a full release.
is there some way to translate foreign vids into English?