Just a random question here: Have you ever become a fan of a TV series that you normally wouldn't have, purely from the promise of crying scenes? By which I mean, you ended up watching not JUST for the crying scenes, but for the story and characters and everything else?
The only show I can definitely say I've done this with is Pretty Little Liars, a popular show but not one I would normally have been compelled to seek out. I guess after becoming aware that it was quite crying heavy at some point I just dived in from the beginning. While I think the quality of the show suffers over time, becoming laughably implausible, I did find it oddly compelling.
So - just wondering if this is a normal thing or not. Most of the time I'm happy to just watch crying scenes on their own. As you may know I'm a fan of crying scenes in soap operas and foreign telenovelas, and it's simply impossible to watch the sheer number of episodes in any of those, let alone finding subtitles half the time.
But, on the flipside, I'm a bit of a crazy hoarder / completionist and like to find every crying scene in something, even after exhausting the 'main' ones. Only sure fire way of that is to watch something from the start. It's also nice to have that deeper emotional attachment to characters and plotlines.
I dunno, I'm considering watching that TV series Reign, a show I hadn't even heard of till I saw crying scenes from it recently. I don't know if that's a good idea or if I'll just find it boring.
Anyone else have any examples of this, or any crying-centric shows you'd recommend as actual shows to get invested in? I'll throw out Doctor Who as a recommended show (if you're into sci-fi) which happens to contain fairly frequent crying scenes from the female companions.