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Crying Discussion » Book i recommend "Strength within Tears" » May 5, 2023 3:36 pm

A beautiful very short book in which the author breifly describes his desire and his process of learning how to cry and then goes through step by step instruction for the reader on how they can release their own tears.  From setting aside a location to having something handy to absorb the tears to welcoming the sensation of the sobs, it's almost meditative in its description of the experience.

Crying Videos » falling tears » May 5, 2023 3:14 pm

Any links for men with falling tears?

Crying Videos » Ed sheerans documentary? » May 5, 2023 3:09 pm

I don't have Disney plus but ive heard ed cried on camera in the series. has anyone seen it? Can you describe?

Crying Discussion » Help/advice » April 24, 2023 2:11 am

Ella wrote:

Thank you all so much for your kind words. It's helpful to hear your perspectives and correct how this has all sort of mentally shifted for me now as I compartmentalize.

Obviously there's so many angles to this thing I'm dealing with right now,  in addition to the basic grieving/loneliness:
-funeral planning, legal legwork
-trying to be there for my devastated children (junior high and elementary aged)
-worries about the future and going forward as a single parent on only one income

These are all things everyone is aware of and therefore wanting to help me with, and then there's this other little thing on my mind that they don't know and I definitely CAN'T talk about with anyone except you guys. Which is why I posted. Part of me feels like this is karmic, I'm getting what I deserve for all these years avoiding crying myself whilst scouring the internet for my guilty pleasure of watching others crying.

NOTHING karmic about it.  These things can happen to anyone. I almost lost my husband last year and it was a very close thing. 

Just remember,  It's important that your children see you demonstrate that expressing feelings is ok so they don't feel the need to suck it up and so they feel they can open up to you. Being string for them doesn't mean acting like you're ok. We're all here for you. While this community bonds over a shared kink,  we all know the difference between aesthetic crying and getting a kick out of someone's real life devastation.  We're not here to get any enjoyment out of this but only to offer support in any way we can.  I'm sending you the biggest hugs.

Crying Discussion » Help/advice » April 21, 2023 1:59 am

Ella wrote:

It's a weird contradiction: I enjoy seeing crying under certain circumstances (attractive male or the occasional tough female, usually in a movie) but I am just as much made EXTREMELY uncomfortable with tears if the person crying is anyone I know or am close with. I also do not like to cry myself and try not to whenever possible. And I can't even remember the last time I cried openly in front of others.

This is all to say, my husband just died unexpectedly and I am not looking forward to the days and weeks to come. I wonder if this fetish will leave me for awhile or forever.

I'm so so sorry for your loss.

The advice is there's no way around this only through.  You're going to be greiving and crying is a normal and necessary part of the process.  Suppressing it will only make it harder in the long term.

Crying Discussion » Ashton Kutcher - The Ranch » March 12, 2023 1:49 am

Wow i never knew ashton was a Cryer like that.  That was intense

Crying Discussion » Whump Lists » March 9, 2023 2:58 pm

Ella wrote:

Thanks for these links

"vulnerability is alluring"

I think that sums it up pretty well, for me at least 🙂

Also this quote about whumperflies "can best be described as a fluttery tightness in one’s stomach and chest similar to the sensation of having figurative butterflies in one’s stomach as a result of an anxiety-induced adrenaline rush"

All my life I've experienced this feeling particularly when I see crying unexpectedly, or when a crying scene is especially realistic or very intense. An actual physical sensation, so weird

I definitely recognize that sensation

Crying Discussion » Whump Lists » March 9, 2023 2:57 pm

Well that's definitely a new word.  Sounds like silent dr. Seuss would say

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